Prophet, Surrender the Marriage Timeline (Prophetic Word)

I know I have shown you visions of the future and deposited blueprints of the future within your heart. I know your heart is full of excitement, joy, and hope. I know that soon, and very soon, I shall take you to places you could never get to on your own. I know that I will open doors unimaginable to your life, ministry, and business, for you are My Ambassador in the world.

And while I know these things to be true, I also know that beloved you have lost Me in the process of receiving. In the process of receiving prophetic words and revelations for the future, you have lost the deep, intimate Presence we once shared together. I miss the days when we sat together and exchanged few words, but you knew within your innermost being that I was near. I miss the first love worshipper I once knew in you. Prophet, where is your alabaster box? Yes, you broke it at My Feet many years ago, but where is your love today? I find it has grown cold. I find that you are more content with giving me projects, books, and conferences than you are with forgiveness, healing, and the intimate knitting of hearts in friendship.

Beloved, where are your friends? I have sent you prophet after prophet to co-labor with you, to grow with you, and you continuously reject them. Prophet, I do not desire you be alone in your life and ministry. I want you to have friends. And I ask you: how do you expect me to send your husband if you won’t steward with the grace the friendships I am placing before you? Beloved, you have become double-minded in your confession. You have made an idol out of marriage, but you have failed to acknowledge that the pathway to marriage is friendship. Prophet, the miracle of your marriage will be friendship, and you will learn friendship by building intimate relationships with the women and men I am placing your life today.

Prophet, I know you hear Me, but your hearing of Me has become your greatest downfall because you only expect to hear Me directly in the Secret Place (i.e., your personal time of prayer). You are not listening for Me through your leadership. You are not listening for Me in the friendships I have relentlessly tried to gift to you. You have made an idol out of your “prophetic method,” and in this process, you now find yourself in deep error, for this is not the Way of the Cross.

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Ephesians 5:21 NIV

Where is your submission? How do you expect me to send you a husband you must submit to if you can’t learn to submit to the leadership I have gifted to you? You are convinced that anything I say has to come directly to you first. You fail to trust that there are some things I may tell to your Apostle I won’t tell to you. Has it occurred to you that this was My intentional doing to build humility in you? Prophet, you are prideful, and if you do not repent, you will find yourself back in the same cycles of stagnancy and fruitlessness you tarried and cried for so long for me to get you out of. Prophet, have you yet to take responsibility for how your pride positioned you here in the first place? Prophet, you continue to blame me for who you are not and where you are not. When will you begin to take ownership of your life? You are lonely because you refuse friendship. You are single because you are prideful. You are fruitless because you do not submit. Prophet, I love you. My heart for you is healing, redemption, and restoration, but My Word is My Word, and I honor My Word whether you choose to honor it or not:

But He gives us more and more grace [through the power of the Holy Spirit to defy sin and live an obedient life that reflects both our faith and our gratitude for our salvation]. Therefore, it says, “God is opposed to the proud and haughty, but [continually] gives [the gift of] grace to the humble [who turn away from self-righteousness].”

James 4:6 AMP

When you rebel against the leadership I have assigned to you, you rebel against God. I am not speaking at this moment to the Prophets who are under abusive, religious, narcissistic leadership that I did not ordain. I am speaking to the Prophets, whom I have already positioned under healthy apostolic leadership. Being healthy does not mean they are perfect, but they take ownership. Prophet, I have placed you under an Apostle who loves you deeply and has laid their life down for you, so why don’t you trust them? Is it possible that the pain and trauma of your past have caused you to project onto them what is not true? Is it possible that you are recreating cycles of isolation simply because you are afraid of vulnerability? Yes, beloved, I see your heart, and you cannot hide from Me. As much as you try to use ministry to run away from Me, I will continue to relentlessly pursue you. Sometimes, My Pursuit is not in a loud voice but in silence. In this season, for my rebellious Prophets who have run from their leadership, you will find that in My Silence, I will convict you of the need for repentance. You must apologize to the leadership you offended and dishonored. The spirit from which you spoke to and dishonored them was not from me. You are in error.

For My Prophet who has yet to identify healthy apostolic leadership. Don’t stop praying. Do not settle for the absence of leadership. Leadership is good. How can you expect me to send you your husband if you will not first seek to submit to the body of Christ? Pray that I connect you to the Apostle ordained to your life, for in this relational alignment, all other relationships will flow to you in this season. You shall see. They are connected. In this season, the Prophets I release into Kingdom Marriage shall be the Prophets who mastered submission to Apostolic Leadership for that has broken the 3-Folded Chord (Python, Jezebel, Leviathan). Selah.

Beloved, I am a God of order. Prioritize submission and radical surrender to the leadership I have placed in your life, and in this obedience, I will build your house.

The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.
Proverbs 14: 1 ESV

Beloved, do not tear down the home you have not even yet begun to build due to your rebellious folly. Repent. Submit. Find restoration for your souls. Your friends and family await you.


What is Marketplace Ministry? The Call of the 21st Prophet


Prophet, It’s Time to Heal (Prophetic Word)