What is Marketplace Ministry? The Call of the 21st Prophet

Gone are the days of sitting in church pews, forcing our God-given callings into the four walls of the traditional church. Here at Selah Coaching Academy, we believe that every prophet is called to the marketplace. The “marketplace” means the pursuit of (1) corporate careers, (2) online ministry, and/or (3) entrepreneurship. We envision a ministry that transcends traditional boundaries, where prophets are not just leaders within the sacred walls of churches but also pioneers in corporate offices, dynamic presences online, and innovators in entrepreneurial ventures. It’s time to unleash the healing power of Jesus far beyond the constraints of conventional church settings.

We understand that prophets often carry the scars of church hurt and personal traumas, but these very wounds equip them as agents of prophetic healing. We believe that as prophets heal from church hurt and the trauma experienced in their personal lives, God equips them to be vessels of healing for God’s people— lost and found. It is through the healing journey that the prophet is able to clarify and confidently pursue their prophetic calling to the marketplace for global Kingdom impact. We call this “marketplace ministry” to challenge the traditional notion of ministry that exists solely within the traditional four walls of the church.

The Prophet’s Marketplace Calling

As an emerging prophet myself, I knew God was calling me to serve him, but I didn’t feel like what God was saying to me prophetically connected with the traditional Sunday church structure. After a decade of trying to fit within the traditional ministry structure of my local church, I found myself tired, lonely, burnt out, disconnected from community, and struggling with codependency—constantly feeling like I needed the approval of those around me. Despite the many who were blessed by my prophetic ministry of healing and deliverance, I still felt like God was calling me for more. 

I knew God was calling me to pursue a corporate career in consulting, build an online ministry, and start several different business ventures. I knew I couldn’t simply choose one; I would have to trust God to lead and guide me. By healing from childhood trauma and church hurt and building healthy friendships with other prophets, I learned to trust God’s voice and lead in my life so I could confidently obey His call to the marketplace. God has graced me with the privilege of attending top universities: Harvard University, Princeton University, and Georgetown University to train for my marketplace assignment. Over the last five years alone, I’ve reached thousands in my online ministry and built a profitable, 6-figure coaching business. 

Today, I’m the CEO and Founder of a leading prophetic life coaching organization with a team of over twenty, 5-fold ministry leaders that are committed to nurturing the emotional well-being, spiritual restoration, physical health, and leadership acumen of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists so they can effectively lead five-fold ministries, empowering a new wave of pioneers and visionaries as they guide the church into a future marked by holistic healing, spiritual empowerment, and societal reformation. 

My call will continue to unfold until the day of Jesus’ return. Still, I’ve mastered the key principles that every marketplace prophet needs to be successful and impactful in their endeavors.

I founded Selah Coaching Academy with the burden of empowering the body of Christ to understand their call to marketplace ministry. The prophet desires to be in a healthy and safe community where they are supported on their journey of radically obeying God. They desire to develop a clear blueprint for their marketplace ministry so they can reach thousands with the dreams, visions, ideas, and solutions God has given them.

The Prophet’s Pain

There are millions of prophets across the globe attending and serving in their local church who feel like they don’t belong in the Christian community because they consistently feel constrained, unseen, and unheard by the traditional ministry models. Out of fear, they deeply desire approval from other ministry leaders to soothe their self-doubt which has left the vulnerable to spiritual and emotional abuse, causing them to develop codependent behaviors of constantly needing others approval, leading to burnout, fatigue and overwhelm due to overserving and overextending themselves. This rejected, isolated prophet lacks confidence and clarity in the vision, dreams, and ideas God has given them for online ministry and entrepreneurship, feeling perpetually overwhelmed, stuck, stagnant, unfulfilled, restless, anxious, lonely, like they will never have the time or energy to manage it all. 

They have a heart to encourage, minister, coach and mentor thousands across the globe and they know God is telling them to “build” as they are deeply moved by the pain & suffering they see around them but they do not know how to leverage social media for impactful, fruitful, meaningful ministry as a prophet (not simply a content creator) which produces procrastination and inconsistency in their efforts. Some have attempted online ministry, even having moments when they were consistent with their content yet their content still got little to no engagement which made them doubt if God even called them in the first place. At their core, they feel that they have disappointed and disobeyed, burying their gifts and talents. The fear of regret, “what if i actually obeyed God?” haunts them at night. 

They have experienced cycles of romantic failues, toxic friendships, and strained ministry relationships. Betrayal is common place. They feel like no one stays and no one truly loves them, not even their family and friends. Even the people closest to them they feel doesn’t know them. When on social media, they constantly find themselves wrestling with jealously and comparison towards prophets/prophetic people/ministers that seem to be experiencing life, relationship, business, and ministry success. 

They do not have a clear career path that aligns with everything God is telling them, and they are therefore lacking passion, purpose, and meaning in their day to day work, with a constant sense that there is “something more” for them. Even though they feel called to business, they are afraid of making money, “can i really be a prophet and be in business at the same time?” 

The Tipping Point: A Desperate Need for Change

Amid the silent chambers of their prayers, prophets have poured their hearts and souls into the sacred soil of education, training, and coaching, investing thousands with the hope of reaping a harvest in their lives, ministries, businesses, and relationships. Yet, despite this deep dedication, the return seems meager. Their business and ministry efforts, marked by relentless endeavor and fervent prayer for breakthrough, have met with disappointing fruition, leaving them questioning the alignment of their efforts with God's grand plan, “Has God even called me?” 

Each prayer session, each plea to the heavens, brings the same insistent burden from God—a call they can no longer sidestep or ignore. God's voice resurfaces time and again, urging them to cease their flight from His blueprint. Weariness clings to their spirits, not just from unmet desires for marital bliss, ministry success, or financial stability, but from a deeper, more acute spiritual exhaustion. They crave connections where they can truly be seen and accepted, yearning for relationships that mirror the health and wholeness they preach, relationships that are essential to unlocking the fullness of their prophetic call.

These prophets are overwhelmed by a profound fatigue, stemming not just from their unmet needs but from the overarching burden of continually asking for help when they are called to be the helpers, the leaders, the healers. There is a poignant struggle in their hearts, as they grapple with the inability to establish the generational wealth that would provide for their families and future generations—a pivotal aspect of their life’s mission.

This is the crucible within which they wrestle, a place where the profound pain of unrealized potential meets the unshakable faith in their prophetic mission. It is here, in the depths of their trials, that their true calling to marketplace ministry must be clarified and embraced, transforming their pain into a powerful testament of perseverance and prophetic purpose.

Don’t Quit: God Has Called You

As we close this exploration of the marketplace ministry, remember that the calling you feel stirring within you is not just a fleeting whisper; it is a clarion call for action and transformation. You are not alone in your journey. Like many prophets before you, you may have faced isolation, misunderstanding, and the daunting challenges of aligning your spiritual vocation with the demands of the modern world. But the path of a marketplace prophet is also paved with immense potential and divine promise.

At Selah Coaching Academy, we are committed to equipping you with the tools, community, and understanding needed to thrive in your unique ministry. Whether you are called to shine in the corporate world, captivate through online platforms, or innovate through entrepreneurship, your prophetic voice is essential. You are called to not just dream of a better world but to actively construct it through the gifts God has entrusted to you.

Embrace your marketplace ministry with courage and conviction. Let your life be a testament to the transformative power of obeying God’s call. The marketplace awaits your impact, and through your faithful service, you will forge pathways of healing and hope. Remember, your journey does not end here; it is continually unfolding towards a future filled with purpose and promise. Trust in the Lord’s guidance, and let your prophetic calling illuminate the corners of the marketplace, transforming it into a place of divine encounter and eternal impact.

Thank you for joining us at Selah Coaching Academy. May your steps be bold, and your faith be strong as you step into your divine destiny. God bless you as you pursue your calling with zeal and joy, for the glory of His Kingdom.

Are you ready to finally obey God in radical, unconventional ways and experience fruitfulness in your life, ministry, and business? Book a strategy session with one of our Selah Coaches to develop a clear plan to finally move forward in confidence. 


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