Restoring Covenant: Marriage as the Foundation of Kingdom Legacy and Ministry (Prophetic Word)

Before reading this prophetic word, please read “Prophet, Surrender the Marriage Timeline” (Prophetic Word) if you haven’t already.

The institution of marriage is not merely a personal union; it is the first ministry that God established on earth, serving as the foundation for all other forms of covenant relationships and God-ordained purpose. In this prophetic word, the Lord reveals that marriage is a portal through which Kingdom solutions are released, a symbol of the Gospel, and a reflection of the Apostolic order. Covenant, the bedrock of Kingdom-building, extends far beyond marriage to include friendships and ministerial partnerships, all woven together into a singular purpose—stewarding the relationships that birth ministries and transform nations.

In this new era, God is calling His people to redefine their understanding of marriage, friendship, and ministry. The synergy and unity found within covenant relationships are paramount to fulfilling God’s ultimate plan for restoration and legacy. Singleness, while often celebrated, has been infiltrated by a Jezebelic spirit of independence, creating a stronghold that hinders the fullness of God’s purposes. In this prophetic call, God emphasizes that marriage is not only a representation of Spirit-led partnership but the cornerstone of building generational legacies and fulfilling the Kingdom mandate.

Through the Kingdom Courtship Accelerator, God is preparing His people to embrace covenant relationships that break free from isolation and self-reliance. This prophetic word serves as a God-ordained blueprint, urging believers to submit to covenant relationships as the pathway to experiencing the depth of God's promises for marriage, ministry, and legacy.

It’s Time to Discern Your Prophetic Kingdom Spouse

The Lord says, it’s time to discern your prophetic Kingdom spouse. I am ordaining Prophetic Kingdom Marriages in this hour but My Children must learn how to discern the truth from the counterfeit. The discernment process requires a deep connection with Me, a clear understanding of one's identity, and the ability to recognize the characteristics of a true Kingdom spouse. I am calling My children to develop spiritual maturity and emotional intelligence, as these are crucial for building strong, covenant-based marriages.

If they don’t, they risk falling into Jezebelic, compromising relationship that will not only delay but completely hinder the full manifestation of their apostolic mandate in the earth. These compromising relationships often masquerade as spiritual connections, but they lack the depth and alignment necessary for true Kingdom partnerships. It's crucial for My People to cultivate discernment and seek My wisdom in their relationships. By prioritizing their covenant with Me and developing a strong sense of identity in Christ, My children can better recognize and pursue the Spirit-led partnerships I have ordained for them.

I desire that My Children learn right covenant, and right relational discernment so they can prosper in the Promised Land and nations can eat of the fruit they bear. This fruit will be the manifestation of their obedience to My Word and My Precepts as they align their lives with My Will. As they walk in covenant relationships and exercise godly discernment, they will become beacons of light, drawing nations to the wisdom and abundance that flow from living according to My Design. Their lives will serve as living testimonies to the transformative power of Kingdom principles in relationships and society at large.

nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Matthew 5:15 AMP

Covenant: The Foundation of All Kingdom Relationships

Covenant is the foundation of everything birthed out of My People (ministries, marriages and so much more). Businesses of all kinds are covenants. Do you not know that Employer / Employee relationships are also Covenants? Business to Business relationships are covenants. I desire that those serving in a Prophetic Kingdom Marriage build Ministries and Businesses together i.e. FAMILY BUSINESSES & FAMILY MINISTRIES aka INHERITANCES AND LEGACIES. I desire daily reconciliation that stolen inheritances may be restored. This is New Wineskin way. Many wait until marriage before committing to legacy building because they don’t know Kingdom Way. They don’t know what Kingdom Building in Marriage is.

Marriage is the portal to which I release solutions that will transform the world. Marriage is the SYMBOL of The Gospel and a representation of the Apostolic.

The “Selah Intersection” is the new wineskin of ministry for the body of Christ.

  1. Marriage Covenant

  2. Friendship Covenant

  3. Ministerial Covenant

My People must operate at this intersection at all times— the stewardship of COVENANT is most important to Me. These are not separate— they are all ONE, just as I AM ONE. We build in ministry at the rate in which covenant is built. So many ministries and ministers fall away because there is no covenant commitment. This is key to ministerial and relational prosperity (abundance/fruitfulness).

Friendship forms the core. It is through friendship that one discerns both ministerial and marriage covenants. It is by friendship that you discern ministerial placement (the place you belong). It is by the prophetic combination of ministerial leadership and friendship that My People discern their marriage covenant.

It is by the marriage covenant that the full purity of My People will flow, ministry wise and relationally for I am birthing ministries through the foundation of the marriage covenant. Without this marriage covenant, these pure ministries cannot be established.

The Idolatry of Singleness

We are dealing with an epidemic of Jezebelic independence where My People want to build ministries as organizations without committing to the people themselves. I am redefining ministry of not one of organizational structure, but a commitment to covenant relationship. My People are My Bride, not the building.

Jezebelic independence is a spirit of self-reliance and isolation that rejects God's design for covenant relationships and community. This mindset promotes a false sense of autonomy, leading individuals to pursue their calling or build ministries without submitting to godly authority or embracing interdependence with others. It ultimately hinders spiritual growth and the fulfillment of God's purposes by cutting off the support, accountability, and synergy that come through covenant connections.

Synergy refers to the interaction or cooperation of two or more elements to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. In the context of covenant relationships, synergy occurs when individuals come together in unity, each contributing their unique gifts and strengths, resulting in a powerful collective impact that far exceeds what any one person could achieve alone. This principle is exemplified in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, which states, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."

Singleness has served as a jezebelic agenda. This is why discernment matters. The enemy has used isolation and independence to keep My people from experiencing the fullness of covenant relationships. Many have embraced singleness as a virtue, not realizing it can become a stronghold that prevents them from stepping into the Spirit-led partnerships I have ordained. This is why I am raising up voices of wisdom to teach My children how to discern My will for their relationships and break free from the deception of self-sufficiency.

The steep mountain is the journey to the individual’s apostolic call.

This first institution I is marriage. This is the first institution I created. You cannot bring forth reformation to the nations if you cannot bring reformation to the home. The discipling of nations is on the foundation of the marriage covenant because this is the first institution I created. You cannot understand government if you cannot perceive the depth of wisdom hidden (layered) within the marriage covenant.

We received two visions of an individual on a steep mountain. The steep mountain is the journey to the individual’s apostolic call.

Many children in the body of Christ are trying to go up this steep mountain on their own with no friends, community, covenant. What many individuals are not realizing is that the enemy has a shackle attached to the ankle of the individual and every time they think they are making the efforts and doing all the things that they feel like I am highlighting to them, they are being pulled down by the enemy each and every time because they are trying to go about life alone and thinking that they can receive the freedom they truly desire on their own in their own strength.

The Quality of the Marriage Covenant

Healing through covenant: Marriage embodies the apostle-prophet relationship at its finest. Its purpose is healing and restoration. In the marriage covenant, I unite two individuals, each carrying their own wounds and brokenness, to forge a sacred space for mutual healing and growth. This transformative process extends beyond the husband and wife, touching their families, communities, and ultimately, the entire body of Christ. As the apostle-prophet dynamic within marriage mirrors My relationship with the Church, it becomes the powerful pathway for My restorative work in the world.

THE HEART OF COVENANT IS THE ABILITY TO SEE YOURSELF, YOUR VALUE, & YOUR WORTH. The ability to identify these things within yourself will allow you to then find those in covenant who not only align in mission, vision and purpose but who can also see your value and worth that you as an individual brings to their life and they make a choice through covenant to commit to the relationship. Pure Love comes through covenant no matter how challenging times may get. I am not only teaching this, but I am also teaching to my children how keeping me at the forefront and being committed to me as the first covenant is what brings forth the unconditional love, the ability to see, and the promises I have for them in the fullness.

The Restoration of Family

I am not just restoring Marriage as an Institution in the earth, I am restoring Family as the bedrock of Society, through right relationship, proper doctrine, and emotional discernment. You are the first fruits of the Families I desire to establish in the earth.

Marriage and Family do not exist independent of one another in the same manner that marriage, friendship and ministry covenants are not independent of one another either. I am The God of ALL FLESH, I know all flesh, and I know the cries of My people.

The Apostolic Mandate of Kingdom Courtship Accelerator

We received a vision that Kingdom Courtship Accelerator (KCA) was a portal in itself where everything flowed through. It was like this huge ring that opened up a dimension between Heaven and Earth and to which Heaven expressed itself through.

HOW the covenant is ESTABLISHED matters for My Purposes and Plans to come to pass. The PROCESS MATTERS BECAUSE IT DETERMINES THE FOUNDATION. This is why COURTSHIP is the MOST IMPORTANT PROCESS TO ME IN THE BODY OF CHRIST, especially in light of the fact that there is a relational crises in My Bride right now. My People do not know how to be SPIRIT-LED and EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY at the SAME TIME. Therefore, KCA is a Covenant Defining Program. KCA is a solution to the world, see it as so. Everything I desire to do through My Bridge in this hour, as is the Standard I have set, flows from Covenant. MANY of the students of KCA will need to divorce their ideations of Me (idea of Jesus) which is based on religious constructs and ideologies.

They cannot step into Covenant if they do not divorce religion. I am teaching them the right standard for Relationships through KCA - Relationship with Me, Relationship with self, Relationship with others (friends) which are the 3 stages one must know before discerning their spouse. All to these Covenant Relationships are essential for discerning your Kingdom Spouse. It is friendship with me, friendship with self and friendship with others (I.e The Selah Intersection) that is the foundation of all that I desire to do.

The Kingdom Courtship Accelerator program is preparing My People to receive the individuals in Covenant to break free from the shackles holding them back. The enemy is trying to make My Children believe that it is actually “ME” who is holding back their promises and all the things that I desire for them to have. The truth is that the enemy is the one holding them back and putting them in the wrong environments as well as isolating them to draw them further and further away from me.

Kingdom Courtship Accelerator is breaking this off of the children who desires covenant but do not know where to look or how to find it. I want My Children to know that I desire covenant friendships, marriage and ministerial relationships for their life that is lifelong. The Kingdom Courtship Accelerator program is helping My Bridge recognize that they need community on the journey to get up the steep mountain because the journey is not meant to be lonely.

My children will break the free from this ideation of independence and loneliness as well as break free from believing that this is their worth and this is what they deserve. My children must divorce the lie of independence that is producing loneliness and make a commitment to covenant relationships that help them up the steep mountain no matter what it looks like. I am bringing forth plenty of covenant relationships in this hour.

The establishment of KCA in Selah serves as the covenant I am birthing in the earth through you. It is to serve as the framework for my bride and the deep, pure intimacy I desire from my church. The state of the current marriages within the body serve as a representation of the surface level, emotionally disconnected, performative culture of the body. These broken unions bleed on the entire family unit and result in a perpetuated cycle of impure love.

Embracing Marriage as the First Ministry

As we stand at the crossroads of covenant and calling, the Lord is extending a profound invitation to align our hearts with His Biblical, Spirit-led blueprint for marriage, friendship, and ministry. Marriage, as the first ministry, is not just a personal commitment but a prophetic assignment, a reflection of the Gospel, and a foundation for Kingdom-building. The process of courtship, rooted in friendship and covenant, is essential to the establishment of pure, transformative ministries that flow from God's heart.

In this season, God is calling His people to break free from the strongholds of independence and isolation that have hindered the fullness of covenant relationships. As we embrace the sacred intersection of marriage, friendship, and ministry, we position ourselves to receive the inheritance and legacy that God desires to birth through us. The Kingdom Courtship Accelerator serves as a portal through which God's transformative power flows, restoring the foundations of family, ministry, and community.

It is time to recognize that true Kingdom legacy begins at the altar of marriage, where covenant becomes the vehicle for healing, restoration, and the discipling of nations. As we commit to God's design for relationships, we step into the fullness of our prophetic callings, releasing solutions that will transform not only our families but the world.

Are You Ready to Step into Your Prophetic Kingdom Marriage?

If you're ready to break free from the cycles of isolation and step into the fullness of covenant relationships, it's time to take the next step. In order to experience the prophetic Kingdom marriage God has for you, it’s crucial to get courtship right. Your calling, your legacy, and the quality of your future depend on it. At Kingdom Courtship Accelerator, we are committed to guiding you through a Spirit-led courtship process that aligns with God's purpose for your life. Don't compromise your calling by overlooking this foundational step.

Apply now to join the Kingdom Courtship Accelerator program and learn how to discern God's will for your relationships, build a solid foundation of covenant, and step confidently into the marriage and ministry He has destined for you. Your Kingdom legacy begins today—don't miss out on this transformative opportunity!


Unlocking Spiritual Potential: The Crucial Role of Prophetic Training for Every Believer