The Year of Violent Possession: Demonic Delay is Over (Prophetic Word 2025)

Breaking the Cycle of Stagnation: Exposing the Demonic Delays Hindering Your Apostolic and Prophetic Calling

God has spoken powerful promises over your life— You’ve been given a word that you’re a prophet to nations, destined to reach thousands, even millions of souls, but the fruitfulness in your ministry seems absent, and the impact you know you’re called to isn’t materializing. He’s called you to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors to impact nations. Yet, despite your best efforts, you find yourself struggling to even launch a six-figure business or recruit clients. You feel stuck in a season of stagnation, wondering why God’s promise for marriage has been hindered, delaying the fullness of your ministry and financial prosperity. Despite years of prayer, planning, and waiting, you’re still not walking in the promises God has spoken over you. Many of us are told religiously that we must simply be more obedient, fast more, pray more, and trust God’s timing, but for the Prophets and Apostles who know they have been praying and yet it still seems that something is missing— the Lord is asking, “is it truly that you’re waiting on Me, or is there something more going on beneath the surface?”

This year God is challenging us to question what we assume to be God in the realm of our “waiting seasons.” By revelation of the Holy Spirit, in this blog post, we will clarify why the breakthroughs have been delayed, expose the demonic resistance that has been standing in the way, and outline strategic apostolic direction for us to overcome so that we might violently possess every promise (Biblically and prophetically) spoken over our lives. This is the moment when the delay ends and the promises begin to unravel. Prepare to step into the fullness of your calling, and know that demonic delay is over.

Prophet of God, Apostle of God, it is time for you to move on. It is time for the delay the enemy has caused to break. It is time to receive the fullness I have for you in life, ministry, and business. It is My Heart for my apostles and prophets to have financial stability and ministerial increase as their portion as I send them to nations. Stability does not necessarily mean consistency or abundance in the way that the world would define it, but it does mean that for all I have called you to do there is abundant provision and resources. Remember that these resources are not only financial, they are relational. It is My Desire for you that you would prosper mind, body, soul, and spirit— not in the way the world defines it but in how I define it. Today, beloved, I want to explain to you what My Will is for you as My Apostles and Prophets for you are the foundation (Ephesians 2:20) on which I build My “Ekklesia,” the “called out” gathering of My People (

Many of My Prophets and Apostles, are experiencing delay in their lives, ministries, and entrepreneurial endeavors but they are not aware of its demonic origins because religious and cultural theology have convinced them that it is My Will. There has been, in My Bride, an overspiritualization of suffering I, very simply, never intended. This does not mean that I do not call My Bride to suffer; I always invite My People to share in My Sufferings. However, many assumptions have been made of what this suffering is to look like that is simply not My Will, and contrary to My Word.

On our journey in God, delay is an inevitable part of the process. The word delay originates from the Latin term “dilatare”, meaning to make wider or to expand, which later evolved into the Late Latin sense of postponing or putting off. This root reflects the concept of stretching or extending time, leading to the modern understanding of delay as a postponement or deferment of action, progress, or fulfillment. In its etymology, delay carries an implication of intentional or unintentional interruption that causes something to take longer than expected. While culturally delay is often viewed negatively—associated with frustration or unmet expectations—its linguistic origins remind us of an expanded timeline that can sometimes allow for greater preparation or refinement. This duality in its meaning invites reflection on whether delays are purely obstacles or opportunities for growth and propheticalignment.

To discern whether a delay is of God’s design or demonic in nature, we must first seek to understand God’s heart and His intentions for each area of our lives. God’s delays are purposeful for the purpose of preparation, refinement, and alignment with His perfect timing. Delays in God are never meant to harm but to produce growth, maturity, and blessings in due season (Ecclesiastes 3:1). In contrast, demonic delays are designed to hinder, frustrate, and derail us from God’s plans by creating confusion, fear, or stagnation. While God does use everything we experience to edify us and to glorify Himself (Romans 8:28), there is suffering and delay many of us experience in life that God never intended. Without discernment, we risk misinterpreting the source of delay—mistaking God’s timing for spiritual attack, or attributing demonic resistance to God’s will. Both errors can lead to feelings of disorientation and doubt about God’s character and faithfulness.

God’s Will for the Prophet’s Money, Ministry, & Marriage

Money— God’s Covenant Confirmation

In Scripture, God often provides wealth and resources as a means of confirming His covenant relationships with His people. One of the clearest examples of this is found in Deuteronomy 8:18, where God says, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” This illustrates that God’s provision of wealth is not just for personal gain, but as a tangible sign of His faithfulness to the covenant He made with His people. Through His provision, God affirms His promises, demonstrating that He is true to His word and faithful to the commitments He has made. Wealth is a confirmation of God’s covenantal relationship, serving as a reminder of His blessing.

It is God’s desire for His people to live with generosity, wisdom, and stewardship. The Bible teaches that all resources ultimately belong to God, and He entrusts His followers with wealth to manage it wisely for His purposes (Psalm 24:1, 1 Corinthians 10:26). God’s intention is not for wealth to become an idol but for it to be used as a tool to bless others, support His Kingdom work, and provide for personal needs (2 Corinthians 9:8). He encourages believers to practice stewardship by being faithful with what they have, whether little or much (Luke 16:10). Moreover, God desires to prosper His people, but this prosperity is tied to righteousness, obedience, and a heart that seeks to honor Him first (Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 28:12). Financial abundance is not a promise of comfort or materialism but a means to further His purposes on earth and display His goodness to the world. Ultimately, God’s heart for finances is about aligning our hearts with His will, trusting Him for provision, and using our resources to glorify Him.

Financial lack—specifically, the lack of needs being met—can be a direct result of misaligned covenant, either with God or with the people He has ordained for us to be in relationship with. Scripture is clear: God’s provision is intricately tied to covenant alignment. In Deuteronomy 28:1-2, God promises blessings, including financial prosperity, for those who are obedient and aligned with His will. However, when there is disobedience or a breakdown in covenant—whether in our relationship with God or the people He has strategically placed in our lives—financial provision is often lacking. Provision always follows vision, and if we are not in right relationship then we are not in position to see the full manifestation of that vision nor the provision assigned to it. God does not just bless us for personal gain; He blesses us to fulfill His Kingdom purposes. When we are out of alignment, either in our vertical relationship with God or horizontal relationships with those we are called to partner with, we hinder the flow of His provision. Covenant relationships are designed by God to be conduits of His blessing. This includes partnerships in the realm of business, ministry, and family where His provision flows through proper alignment. When we step outside of these relational boundaries or fail to honor them, we open the door to financial lack. Therefore, the key to unlocking God’s abundant provision is not just prayer or hard work; it is ensuring that we are fully aligned with His covenant and the relationships He has established for us to thrive.

Ministry — A Rendering of Worship to the Lord

Ministry is ultimately a service to God and His people, born out of deep gratitude for what God has done for us. The Apostle Paul exemplifies this powerful truth in his life and ministry. Once a persecutor of Christians, Paul experienced a radical transformation on the road to Damascus, where he encountered the grace of God in a way that forever changed his heart. When Jesus confronted him, He said, “Paul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4). This encounter not only humbled Paul but also stirred a profound sense of gratitude, as he realized the enormity of God’s mercy and the personal nature of God’s call. Paul’s gratitude for God’s grace became the driving force behind his ministry. In Romans 12:1, Paul urges believers to “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship,” emphasizing that ministry is an act of worship, born from a heart of thankfulness. Paul’s life became a testament to serving others selflessly, not out of obligation, but as a response to the immeasurable grace he had received. His gratitude propelled him to endure hardships, travel great distances, and preach the Gospel, knowing that everything he did was in response to God’s sacrificial love.

In the socio-cultural context of Apostle Paul’s time, the term diakonia—translated as “service” or “ministry”—carried the idea of humble, often menial tasks performed by servants or attendants in Greco-Roman society. It commonly referred to practical acts such as waiting tables, delivering messages, or handling domestic responsibilities, roles often viewed as lowly and subordinate. However, Paul radically redefined diakonia within a Christian framework, elevating service as a sacred and noble act central to the life of every believer. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul emphasizes that service is not merely a social obligation or mundane duty, but a propheticcalling for all saints, aimed at building up the Body of Christ. By transforming this culturally humble concept into a spiritual principle, Paul highlights that true greatness in God’s Kingdom is found in selfless service, reflecting Christ’s own example of sacrificial love and mission. This redefinition challenges cultural norms by declaring that every act of service, no matter how small, holds eternal significance when done for God’s glory. Just as Paul was compelled to serve, so too are we called to serve out of a heart of deep appreciation for God’s work in our lives.

God’s intention for all ministry is that it be fruitful, producing tangible results that advance His Kingdom and glorify His name. In Ephesians 4:12, Paul reveals that the purpose of service (diakonia) is not only to equip the saints but also to strengthen and mature the Body of Christ. This prophetic calling to serve is designed to bring about transformation—both in the lives of those who minister and in the lives of those they serve. Fruitful ministry reflects God’s character, manifesting love, unity, and growth as the ultimate evidence of faithful service. Just as Jesus taught that a tree is known by its fruit (Matthew 7:16-20), God’s vision for ministry is that it produces spiritual maturity, edification, and a deeper alignment with His purpose. When believers engage in service with the right heart and in reliance on the Holy Spirit, their ministry becomes a conduit for healing, restoration, and multiplication, ensuring that the work done in His name is never in vain.

When a ministry appears “fruitless,” it often reflects some form of spiritual resistance or impurity obstructing its God-ordained purpose. Scripture makes it clear that God’s work is inherently fruitful—Jesus Himself declared, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). This implies that the problem is never with the availability of the harvest but with the readiness and alignment of the laborers. When aligned with God’s will, no ministry is destined to remain barren, for His Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11).

Marriage — Reformation Starts at Home

For those with apostolic and prophetic callings, the transformation and renewal that God desires to see in the world must first take place within the home. God’s will for marriage, as revealed in Scripture, extends beyond personal fulfillment—it is a prophetic covenant with a purpose. Marriage, according to Ephesians 5:31-32, is a profound mystery that mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church, serving as a powerful testimony of sacrificial love and unity. For those with apostolic and prophetic callings, marriage takes on an even greater significance—it becomes a Prophetic Kingdom Marriage. This is not merely a relationship for mutual companionship, but a Holy Spirit-led union with a clear Kingdom mandate. These marriages are designed to serve God’s purposes in the earth, using the couple’s collective anointing to edify and build up the Body of Christ. Prophetic Kingdom Marriages are ordained to respond to the unique needs of this generation, bringing reformation through their union, as they live out their calling to serve the Kingdom together. This kind of union brings forth a distinct anointing, one that is designed to shape nations, heal communities, and disciple the Church.

There is a generation of prophets I have called to serve in ministry in the context of the marriage covenant.

For too long, religious and cultural doctrines have led us to believe that finding a Godly spouse capable of partnering in apostolic and prophetic ministry requires waiting for decades or, worse, settling for a marriage that compromises both ministry and personal well-being. These misguided teachings often present the idea that marriage must be a slow, painful process of waiting, and that ministry can’t thrive alongside a healthy, thriving relationship. This is not the truth. In reality, relationships are wealth, and God desires for us to receive a spouse not as a consolation prize, but as a strategic partner in the advancement of His Kingdom. God’s heart is to see us united with a spouse who complements and empowers our calling, and He desires our marriages to be vibrant, fruitful, and impactful. The truth is, God wants our marriages to flourish more than we do, because He knows that a healthy, Spirit-led union serves as a powerful tool for Kingdom expansion. God’s design for marriage is one of mutual purpose and prophetic alignment, where both partners thrive in their calling, in their ministry, and in their relationship with one another as they advance His Kingdom.

It is My Intention for My Apostles and Prophets to first break the delay off of their marriage promise because it is from their covenant union, the God ordained prophetic Kingdom marriage I have ordained for them that their ministries will prosper (seeing the fullness of what I promises) and financial wealth will be released as a confirmation of My Covenant with them.

God Delay versus Demonic Delay

Discerning the difference between prophetic timing and demonic delay requires spiritual discernment. Simply put, God will make it clear to you, as He did for me and Nicole. God revealed that we were meant to meet in 2022, but we didn’t connect until 2024. This gap in time wasn’t due to God’s will or timing, but was a result of demonic delay—spiritual resistance that sought to hinder what God had ordained. While God uses all things, even witchcraft, to purify and sanctify us, we must understand that just because He allows something to happen doesn’t mean it is His will for us to remain in delay. The journey to overcoming this delay involved more than just waiting; there was personal work we had to do, individually, to break free from the forces of witchcraft that sought to obstruct God’s plan. In the end, our victory came as we walked through this process of sanctification, which ultimately positioned us to come together in God’s perfect timing, free from the demonic principalities that sought to delay our union.

Why is there Demonic Delay?

Demonic delay against apostolic and prophetic ministries is not coincidental—it is a calculated strategy of witchcraft designed to obstruct, hinder, and divert the prophetic mandate. This delay does not come by chance but is a deliberate attempt by the forces of darkness to thwart the purpose and destiny of those called to bring reformation to the Church and the world. Witchcraft is the manipulation of spiritual forces to control, delay, or block God’s will. It is the manifested expression of regional principalities and demonic spirits that target apostles and prophets because of their kingdom influence and the significant role they play in advancing the Gospel.

The Resistance from Regional Principalities and Demonic Spirits

Principalities are regional spirits that rule over regions, nations and cities whose function is to influence culture, ideologies and systems by creating strongholds of idolatry that blind My people from the truth of The Gospel.

The difference between a principality and a spirit lies primarily in their rank, scope of influence, and authority in the spiritual realm, as outlined in Scripture. A principality is a high-ranking demonic ruler with authority over entire regions, territories, or even nations. In Ephesians 6:12, Paul refers to principalities as part of the “spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”, emphasizing their vast and overarching influence over large spheres. These powerful entities govern large-scale spiritual and cultural forces, often influencing political systems, ideologies, and widespread societal structures.

In contrast, a spirit is a more localized demonic entity that operates on a personal or smaller scale, affecting individuals or specific groups. For example, in Mark 5:2-13, Jesus casts out a spirit of legion from a man, showing how spirits can afflict individuals directly. While principalities hold dominion over broader territories, spirits typically influence specific situations or people, such as in Luke 13:11, where Jesus heals a woman bound by a spirit of infirmity. Principalities are often behind major strongholds or widespread oppression, whereas spirits are linked to more personal afflictions. In spiritual warfare, understanding this distinction is key, as it helps believers recognize the level of authority and the scope of the attack, allowing them to respond with appropriate strategies in prayer and intercession.

Why is there demonic delay?

The answer lies in the strategic opposition the enemy has toward those with apostolic and prophetic anointing’s. Apostles and prophets are commissioned by God to break spiritual strongholds, bring transformation, and usher in reformation—all of which directly threaten the enemy’s dominion over territories and individuals. As agents of God’s Kingdom, they carry the power to dismantle systems of darkness, which is why the enemy deploys witchcraft and demonic forces to delay or obstruct their mission. Regional principalities, in particular, use demonic spirits to ensure their oppression over a region is personalized to each bloodline and individual within that territory. These spirits target specific generational curses, ancestral patterns, and personal struggles, reinforcing the enemy’s grip on the region by tailoring oppression to each person. This strategic targeting ensures that the strongholds remain firmly in place, delaying the progress of God’s Kingdom and preventing the full activation of the apostolic and prophetic calling. By influencing individuals on a personal level, the demonic forces prolong spiritual delays, working through both territorial and personal oppressions to maintain the status quo and keep God’s people from advancing into their prophetic destiny.

3-Folded Chord Witchcraft

The three-fold chord of witchcraft, manifested through the spirits of Jezebel, Python, and Leviathan, is a counterfeit to the prophetic three-fold chord of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Just as the three persons of the Godhead work in perfect unity to advance God’s will and fulfill His purposes on earth, these demonic spirits work in unison to obstruct the fulfillment of God’s prophetic plan, particularly through the ministries of apostles and prophets. The counterfeit three-fold chord of witchcraft seeks to pervert the work of the Spirit, sow confusion, and delay God’s Kingdom advancement. These territorial spirits operate globally, but each region will experience different manifestations of these strongholds, depending on local ideologies and cultural mindsets. Jezebel, Python, and Leviathan are strategically placed to create mental, cultural, and social strongholds in different regions, hindering the movement of the Kingdom and impeding the progress of apostles and prophets who are called to bring reformation and transformation.

Jezebel— The Strategy of the Chord

Jezebel, as a spirit of manipulation, control, and rebellion, mirrors the Father’s authority in a perverse way, working to silence the voice of the prophetic and undermine leadership within the Church. Just as the Father is the head of the Son and guides the Church through His authority, Jezebel seeks to distort authority by seducing leaders and manipulating the direction of God’s people. She operates through spiritual seduction, rebellion, and idolatry to create confusion and compromise, much like how the enemy tried to undermine God’s authority in the Garden of Eden. As seen in 1 Kings 18:4, where Jezebel actively pursued and killed the prophets, this spirit directly opposes God’s clear prophetic voice, hindering the release of God’s word and the flow of His power. Jezebel’s influence on regions creates environments where God’s authority is questioned, and the prophetic voice is silenced, stalling prophetic plans.

Python— The Pressure of the Chord

Python, the spirit of divination, operates in direct opposition to the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit brings clarity, revelation, and boldness, Python seeks to constrict, suffocate, and distort the prophetic voice. This spirit operates in false prophecy, divination, and occult practices, quenching the true work of the Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles and prophets to speak God’s will with clarity and authority, Python works to suffocate that voice, keeping apostles and prophets from fully advancing in their God-given mandates. Acts 16:16-18 shows how Paul encountered a woman with a spirit of divination, which caused confusion and attempted to hinder the progression of his ministry. This spirit restricts the flow of the Holy Spirit, stifling the prophetic movement and blocking the release of kingdom truths essential for societal transformation. Python’s work is evident in regions where falsehoods and occult practices dominate, suffocating the advancement of God’s truth.

Leviathan— The Strength of the Chord

Leviathan, the spirit of pride and distortion, mirrors the distortion of Christ’s unity and purpose in the Body of Christ. Where the Son is the source of unity in the Church, Leviathan thrives on division, disunity, and pride. It works to twist the truth, distort communication, and create relational breakdowns within the Body of Christ, causing confusion and misalignment in ministry. Leviathan’s influence creates spiritual deafness in regions where the Church struggles to hear or respond to God’s prophetic word. As Job 41:34 describes Leviathan as the “king over all the children of pride,” this spirit thrives in environments where pride, division, and spiritual deafness reign, preventing effective communication and collaboration between apostles, prophets, and the wider Body. Its aim is to prevent the alignment of apostles and prophets with God’s will, creating delay and dysfunction in the ministry.

Strength and pressure are two distinct yet complementary forces in the spiritual realm, particularly when it comes to the workings of Leviathan and Python. Strength, as embodied by Leviathan, refers to a force of pride, distortion, and spiritual deafness that creates barriers to clarity, unity, and communication. Leviathan operates through arrogance and deception, twisting truth, causing division, and resisting alignment. It stands as a powerful, intimidating force that hinders progress.

On the other hand, pressure, as embodied by Python, operates through constriction, suffocation, and limitation. Python brings an oppressive atmosphere that drains energy, confuses the mind, and stifles prophetic revelation and the flow of the Holy Spirit. It creates a mental, emotional, and spiritual heaviness that slows down spiritual advancement. Together, Leviathan and Python work in tandem: Leviathan provides the strength to distort truth and foster division, while Python applies the pressure to suffocate prophetic voices, creating an environment of confusion and oppression. These two spirits collaborate to delay God’s work and hinder the fulfillment of apostolic and prophetic mandates. In the natural world, strength is the ability to resist forces and endure pressure, while pressure is the force exerted on a material that tests its strength. Similarly, in the spiritual realm, Leviathan’s strength tests the endurance of God’s people, and Python’s pressure challenges their ability to stand firm.

These three spirits—Jezebel, Python, and Leviathan—are a counterfeit triad, strategically placed to block the manifestation of God’s purposes through His apostles and prophets. They aim to create strongholds that hinder the expression of God’s power and calling. However, these delays are not of God, but are the enemy’s attempt to thwart God’s propheticplan. As Habakkuk 2:3 declares, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Apostles and prophets are called to dismantle these strongholds through spiritual authority and discernment. The victory has already been declared, and as they rise in understanding, walking in their God-ordained mandate, they will see the advancement of God’s Kingdom, breaking the chains of these territorial spirits and fulfilling the prophetic and apostolic mandates without delay.

“Prophetic Filters:” The Access Point for Demonic Delay, Regional Principalities, and 3-Folded Chord Witchcraft

These spirits gain access through “Prophetic filters”. These are mental strongholds by which My Prophets and Apostles subconsciously use to filter the counsel, insight and revelation that I’ve given them. These regional principalities take hold of the lies that they believe that have been reinforced by their affections, traumatic experiences, faulty theology and socio-cultural ideologies - erecting strongly upheld beliefs (strongholds) that have perverted My counsel and delayed My will for them. Not only does this hinder My design for my Prophets and Apostles, but these spirits aim to hinder the manner to which I have called them to function and prosper - relationally, emotionally, spiritually, ministerially, financially and mentally - keeping them in bondage to the system of the spirits that oppress the fullness of their calling. The goal of these spirits is to keep My prophets and apostles in a cycle of unfulfilled promises that keeps them in a state of hope deferred, drastically impacting their faith in Me, their hope in the Gospel, and how I have called them.

We will release future blog posts sharing in detail how these prophetic filters affect our ministries, businesses, entrepreneurial pursuits, and financial prosperity however since the Lord highlighted that He desires to first restore His Apostles and Prophets in the realm of their marriage promise we will focus on witchcraft’s manifestations in our ideology concerning marriage and relationships as a whole, as they are interconnected.

The Need for Spiritual Family

At their core, prophetic filters block the recognition and engagement with the specific social networks and spiritual environments God has designed to position them to meet their God-ordained spouse. The enemy's greatest agenda is to isolate Apostles and Prophets from their God-ordained spiritual family, knowing that these connections are essential for their divine assignments and relational promises.

As a result, many Apostles and Prophets find themselves operating in error, choosing spiritual communities that may appear gifted or anointed but are ultimately misaligned with God’s will for their lives. These communities may foster some growth or provide opportunities, but they lack the divine connections needed to fulfill God’s unique relational and covenantal purposes for these leaders. The consequences of such misplacement are profound, leaving Apostles and Prophets spiritually and relationally hindered.

This misalignment typically leads to two distinct outcomes:

  1. Being in the Right Network but Spiritually Disconnected: In some cases, Apostles and Prophets may already be positioned in the relational network God has ordained for them, yet prophetic filters cloud their ability to recognize their spouse. These filters create unconscious barriers, causing them to remain persistently unaware of the divine connection God has placed before them. This blindness delays their covenant promise and leaves them in a state of frustration or relational stagnation.

  2. Being in the Wrong Environment Entirely: Alternatively, prophetic filters may lead Apostles and Prophets into spiritual communities that, while outwardly anointed or impactful, are not the God-ordained environments designed for their relational destiny. Simply put, they are not in the right place to meet their God-ordained spouse. In these cases, they are operating in spiritual circles where their relational promise cannot be fulfilled because the necessary divine connections are absent.

Both scenarios significantly hinder the ability of Apostles and Prophets to walk in the fullness of God’s relational and covenantal plans. To overcome these barriers, they must seek spiritual clarity, dismantle prophetic filters through repentance and renewal, and realign with God’s intended path. Only by doing so can they fully embrace the divine relationships and covenant promises that God has set before them.

The 10 “Prophetic Filters” that Produce Demonic Delay Regarding our Marriage Promise

In order to identify whether you are being oppressed by these spirits, it is crucial to discern the ten manifestations of witchcraft that have taken root in the United States, as these spirits, manifesting as cultural ideologies, distort the Gospel. The influence of American Christianity has been exported globally, and it has negatively impacted the purity of the Gospel in many nations. When we try to move forward in our calling while still under the influence of these “prophetic filters,” it causes strife, stagnation, and inconsistency in our walk with God, our pursuit of ministry, and the relational and financial prosperity God intends for us. Instead of God-ordained progress, witchcraft derails God’s purposes for our lives by hindering our spiritual clarity and causing relational misalignment, leaving us in a constant battle with delay and unfulfilled promises.

#1 Intellectualism— The Idolatry of Human Reasoning

Intellectualism refers to the prioritization and reliance on reason, critical thinking, and knowledge acquisition to understand and solve problems, often emphasizing the value of intellect over emotional and spiritual dimensions. Intellectualism has deeply affected the marriage promises of apostles and prophets, distorting the way they discern and choose their life partners. Too many are quick to overlook the individuals the Lord has placed before them simply because those individuals do not meet certain worldly standards. A partner’s value is often reduced to external measures like academic degrees, professional accomplishments, or the recognition of five-fold ministry titles, leaving little room for the deeper, spiritual qualities that are essential in a covenant relationship. This focus on intellect and outward appearance fosters an environment where vulnerability is restricted, and genuine emotional connection becomes secondary to intellectual evaluation. What should be a relationship built on trust, shared vision, and spiritual alignment is instead overshadowed by an obsession with intellect and status.

Moreover, this intellectualization of relationships leads to a dangerous misunderstanding of emotional intelligence. Many have come to believe that emotional maturity and the ability to relate to others on a deep, spiritual level can be measured solely by cognitive or intellectual standards. They assume that prophetic insight is synonymous with emotional intelligence, overlooking the fact that prophetic discernment comes from the Spirit, not from the intellect. This results in the misguided belief that those who hold titles or possess academic qualifications are more spiritually equipped, when in reality, the most important qualities in a partner—such as humility, faithfulness, and a heart for service—cannot be quantified or understood through intellect alone. In doing so, many apostles and prophets have missed the partners that were intended for them, disregarding the divine connection that goes beyond the flesh and intellect.

The consequences of this misplaced intellectualism are profound. Marriages in the apostolic and prophetic callings, meant to be a source of strength, unity, and mutual support, are weakened. Apostles and prophets who rely on titles and intellectual achievement are often left in relationships that lack the deeper spiritual connection needed for true partnership, or no relationship at all. This results in isolation, frustration, and missed opportunities for kingdom advancement. The true power of a marital union in the context of ministry lies in the spiritual alignment and mutual vulnerability that comes when both partners are focused on the mission and calling, not the worldly markers of success. When intellect is prioritized over spiritual discernment, it undermines the very foundation of marriage in ministry, leaving relationships fragile and disconnected from the deeper purposes for which they were intended.

#2 Individualism— The Idolatry of Personal Experience and Calling

Individualism can severely hinder the ability of apostles and prophets to marry their God-ordained spouse, particularly in how it influences the dating and courtship process. Individualism is the philosophy that emphasizes the importance of the individual, their autonomy, and personal freedom over collective or societal interests. It values self-reliance, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of individual goals and rights.

When individuals prioritize their personal calling, rigid gender roles, and the belief that ministry comes before marriage, they become fixated on their own vision or purpose, neglecting the partnership that marriage requires. This mindset leads to the overemphasis on one’s personal ministry, which can cause apostles and prophets to overlook someone God has placed in their lives to partner with them in fulfilling their divine purpose. The belief that one’s calling is fixed or singular can create a spiritual rigidity that stifles growth, both personally and as a couple, making it difficult to discern God’s will together.

In this context, individualism manifests in a reluctance to involve a potential spouse in ministry or to see marriage as an integral part of the calling. Apostles and prophets may treat their marriage as separate from their mission, compartmentalizing their life and ministry instead of embracing a unified, collaborative approach. This leads to missed opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work in unity, as the couple’s ambition and personal goals become disconnected from God’s plan for their shared future. When one partner insists that their calling is the priority, the other may be left feeling sidelined, unable to fully contribute or discern their shared direction in the Lord. This undermines mutual submission, collaboration, and the deepening of both partners’ spiritual lives, and prevents the Holy Spirit from guiding them effectively as a couple.

Furthermore, individualism perpetuates outdated gender roles that can limit both partners’ contributions to the marriage. Traditional views of one partner as the primary “ministry leader” and the other as the “helpmate” (in a traditional sense) can restrict the flow of spiritual gifts, stifling the potential for mutual growth and the full manifestation of each individual’s calling. The Holy Spirit thrives in relationships that are built on equality, humility, and openness to transformation, and when one partner is constrained by rigid roles or expectations, it becomes difficult for the couple to operate in harmony. Apostles and prophets are called to lead with humility, and that humility is expressed through a shared vision, mutual support, and a willingness to allow both individuals’ callings to evolve together in alignment with God’s will.

Ultimately, the manifestation of individualism leads apostles and prophets to prioritize their personal vision over God’s greater plan for their marriage. In doing so, they hinder the Holy Spirit’s ability to lead them into the fullness of their shared purpose, which can only be realized when they embrace unity, mutual submission, and the understanding that their callings are not separate but intertwined. When apostles and prophets fail to recognize the importance of partnership in marriage, they miss the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to move freely within their relationship, preventing them from fully stepping into their God-ordained marriage and ministry.

#3 Elitism— The Idolatry of Preference

Elitism, defined as the belief that certain individuals or groups are superior based on factors such as wealth, education, status, or social class, is a profound obstacle that hinders the marriage promise for Apostles and Prophets. This mindset prioritizes socioeconomic status, educational attainment, ministerial leadership positions, cultural or racial identity, and denominational affiliations over the spiritual qualities that God esteems in a marriage. By exalting these temporal factors, elitism distorts the pursuit of God’s will and undermines the covenantal nature of marriage. Scripture warns against this mindset, for “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). When Apostles and Prophets prioritize human qualifications over spiritual alignment, they forfeit God’s design for their unions, leading to relational strife and misalignment in their purpose.

Socioeconomic status and education, for example, often create unrealistic expectations, causing individuals to overlook God-ordained partners who may not meet arbitrary standards of wealth or intellect. This is contrary to God’s instruction that “the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Similarly, the desire to marry into specific ministerial positions or denominational circles often leads to a superficial evaluation of a spouse's spiritual maturity. This focus on prestige dilutes the foundation of marriage, which should be built on mutual submission to God and the shared purpose of advancing His Kingdom.

Furthermore, cultural and racial elitism dismisses the unity that Christ established within His Body, as Paul declared, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Apostles and Prophets who impose these divisions ignore the reconciling work of the cross and disqualify themselves from walking in the fullness of their calling through a God-honoring marriage. When they allow cultural or denominational biases to guide their choices, they risk entering unions that prioritize personal comfort over Kingdom impact.

#4 Financial Idolatry — A Desire for Economic Security

Financial idolatry is the excessive devotion to or prioritization of money and material possessions over spiritual and relational values, profoundly undermines the marital promises of Apostles and Prophets. It elevates financial security, wealth, and status to the position of ultimate authority, distorting God’s design for covenant relationships. This misplaced trust in finances replaces reliance on divine provision with worldly pursuits, creating a significant barrier to the emotional and spiritual connection that covenant requires.

At its core, financial idolatry shifts focus from God’s calling to a preoccupation with wealth as the foundation for identity and security. This mindset often manifests in overworking for wealth, where the relentless pursuit of financial gain takes precedence over nurturing relationships and spiritual growth. The result is emotional detachment, exhaustion, and an inability to invest in the mutual partnership required in marriage.

The fear of lack compounds this issue, driving individuals to hoard resources and place their ultimate trust in financial reserves rather than in God’s provision. This anxiety fosters a transactional view of relationships, where partners are assessed based on their perceived financial stability rather than their spiritual alignment or character.

When self-worth is tied to finances, individuals measure their value and readiness for marriage based on income, possessions, or social status. For men, this often manifests in statements like, "I won’t get married unless I can provide," leading to prolonged delays in pursuing God-ordained relationships. Similarly, the pursuit of higher education or career advancement as a prerequisite for marriage—while not inherently wrong—becomes problematic when it stems from a belief that financial or social mobility is a more critical foundation than spiritual maturity or divine timing.

Traditional roles of provision are often misapplied through the lens of financial idolatry. The expectation for one partner to achieve a specific financial status before marriage can obscure the covenantal truth that God is the ultimate provider. This mindset encourages worldly dependence rather than mutual reliance on God and one another within the marriage.

It is dangerous for individuals to compromise integrity or prioritize luxury and social appearances over genuine connection. Such behaviors foster shallow relationships built on external achievements, leaving little room for the sacrificial love and humility that define covenant partnerships.

For Apostles and Prophets, this idolatry directly opposes their divine assignments. By prioritizing wealth over their spiritual calling, they forfeit opportunities to model faith, trust, and divine provision in their relationships. Financial idolatry creates relational barriers, replacing covenantal love with conditional partnerships rooted in fear and worldly ambition.

Breaking free from financial idolatry requires a renewed commitment to God’s principles of stewardship, generosity, and trust. It calls for redefining success in alignment with spiritual values, fostering relationships rooted in faith and shared purpose. By dismantling this idolatry, Apostles and Prophets can fully embrace the emotional and spiritual connection necessary for covenant, reflecting God’s design for marriage as a partnership of divine trust and mutual support.

#5 Imperialism— The False Savior Complex

Many of us have unknowingly internalized the imperialistic mindset embedded in American culture, particularly through the lens of American exceptionalism, and applied it to our faith and understanding of the marriage promise. Imperialism is the practice by which a nation extends its power and influence over other territories through colonization, military force, political control, or economic dominance. This system often involves exploiting resources, labor, and markets of the conquered regions to benefit the imperial power.

American exceptionalism is the belief that the United States is inherently unique or superior to other nations, often underpinned by the notion that its history, values, and political systems grant it a divine mandate to lead or dominate. This mindset fosters an assumption of entitlement, control, and superiority, shaping cultural norms and influencing how individuals approach relationships, faith, and community.

When imperialism and American exceptionalism are internalized, they distort how we view relationships, including the sacred covenant of marriage. These mindsets foster destructive dynamics rooted in dominance, control, and exploitation, where relationships become platforms to assert power rather than spaces for mutual growth and covenantal partnership. This approach replaces humility and service with entitlement and control, perpetuating patterns that are deeply misaligned with God’s design for marriage.

It drives individuals to seek relational dynamics where one party asserts authority over the other for personal gain or validation. This mindset undermines the marriage promises of Apostles and Prophets by distorting the foundational principles of mutual growth, spiritual partnership, and sacrificial love. Instead of fostering divine unity, these patterns create hierarchies of control that exploit rather than edify.

To walk in the fullness of their marriage promise, Apostles and Prophets must recognize and dismantle these imperialistic and exceptionalism mindsets. By rejecting these cultural distortions, they can realign their relationships with God’s design—rooted in humility, mutual submission, and the covenantal love that reflects the heart of Christ.

This imperialistic approach often manifests in dating spiritual children, where Apostles and Prophets engage with individuals they view as projects to "fix" or "raise up," assuming a superior role rather than pursuing an equal partnership. This creates imbalanced, paternalistic dynamics that erode intimacy and true connection. It also appears in narcissistic and codependent relationships, where power struggles dominate, one party controls while the other submits out of fear or the need for validation. These toxic patterns mimic the exploitative nature of imperialism, draining emotional and spiritual resources for the dominant party’s benefit.

Power imbalances further skew relationships, turning mutual support into a hierarchy of control and undermining God’s blueprint for marriage, which is rooted in shared purpose, mutual submission, and divine unity. Emotional and spiritual manipulation compounds the damage, as tools meant for edification become weapons for control, replacing authentic communication with coercive tactics designed to secure compliance rather than foster genuine connection.

Another common expression is dating based on "prophetic potential," where the focus shifts from valuing a person for who they are in the present to who you envision them to be according to what God allows you to see, often tied to one’s own personal ambitions. This reduces the relationship to a transactional dynamic, exploiting the potential of the other instead of honoring their current identity in Christ.

For Apostles and Prophets, such imperialistic tendencies undermine the covenantal nature of love, which should be rooted in humility, mutual respect, and sacrificial service. True alignment with God’s design for Marriage requires the intentional dismantling of these mindsets, embracing emotional and spiritual maturity, and building relationships that reflect Christ’s love—free from control, exploitation, and manipulation.

#6 Entrepreneurial Idolatry— The Need for Financial Independence

Entrepreneurial idolatry is the excessive devotion or prioritization of entrepreneurial success, financial independence, or material wealth over spiritual alignment, divine timing, and relational readiness. In the context of apostles and prophets, this idolatry manifests in the belief that financial success or a well-established business or ministry is a prerequisite for marriage. This mindset places trust in material stability rather than in God's timing and provision, leading individuals to delay marriage until they feel they have achieved a certain level of financial security or professional success.

Entrepreneurial idolatry significantly hinders marital readiness for apostles and prophets, as it causes them to prioritize personal ambition over the spiritual foundation necessary for a marriage rooted in God’s purpose. By viewing financial success as the key to relational fulfillment, individuals risk entering into the covenant of marriage with divided priorities, weakening the unity and focus essential for fulfilling their calling together. This pursuit of independence and material success can overshadow the deep, sacrificial partnership that God intends for marriage, leaving one’s priorities misaligned with divine purpose.

Moreover, neglecting preparation—such as refusing to submit to God-ordained spiritual covering or failing to serve where God has placed them—further exposes these marriages to unnecessary strain. Apostles and prophets who resist the process of faithful service under authority miss critical lessons in humility, stewardship, and alignment. Without the accountability that comes from serving in the context of God’s design, their leadership remains immature, both within their homes and ministries.

Marriages formed in this context often lack the spiritual resilience needed to navigate the unique pressures of ministry life. The failure to serve one another in humility or to submit to spiritual authority leaves these relationships vulnerable to division, burnout, and an inability to effectively walk in their callings. Without a strong spiritual foundation built on mutual submission, trust, and God’s timing, such marriages are ill-prepared for the challenges they will face in both personal and ministry realms.

#7 Emotionalism— The Over-reliance on Emotions as Truth

Emotionalism is an overemphasis on emotions as a measure of truth, representing a dangerous reliance on emotional reasoning, where feelings are wrongly elevated as the ultimate compass of reality. This creates a distorted framework in which emotions, especially those stemming from unprocessed, repressed, or wounded places, are manipulated by principalities to supplant sound doctrine (truth).

The Jezebel spirit operates through these access points of emotionalism, exploiting vulnerabilities in Apostles and Prophets. It influences them to act in manipulative ways, driven by self-interest and relational dysfunction. This opens a gateway for the enemy to sow emotional instability among God’s chosen vessels, hindering their ability to walk in the fullness of their marital promises by exploiting flaws in their character.

This influence manifests in several ways: emotional immaturity, a lack of emotional intelligence, and relational instability. These behaviors often include prematurely ending relationships, projecting unresolved internal emotions or past dynamics onto others, frequent emotional outbursts, and failing to communicate needs and desires effectively.

A common result of this dynamic is the misplaced belief that marriage is a cure for unhappiness or that it will resolve life’s challenges. This mindset, rooted in emotionalism, fosters unrealistic expectations and undermines the foundation of godly relationships. Apostles and Prophets must guard against these traps by seeking emotional healing, cultivating spiritual discernment, and aligning their actions with biblical truth rather than transient feelings.

#8 Sensationalism— The Desire for Materialistic Displays of Affection and Attraction to Charismatic Personalities

Sensationalism is the tendency to focus on or exaggerate events, actions, or qualities in order to provoke a strong emotional reaction or create excitement, often at the expense of deeper, more meaningful connections. In the context of apostles and prophets, sensationalism can hinder their ability to form healthy marriages by promoting a shallow understanding of intimacy and relationships. In modern Christian culture, sensationalism often manifests in the overemphasis on public displays of affection, material symbols of love, and dramatic acts of emotion. This emphasis can overshadow the genuine, foundational work needed for a successful and fulfilling partnership, leading individuals to prioritize outward appearances and grand gestures over deep emotional and spiritual connection.

The history of proposals, especially in Western contexts, has largely been influenced by cultural norms that intertwine romance and materialism. The tradition of proposals as grand, showy events with expensive rings and public declarations has been popularized over time by media, advertising, and societal expectations. While these gestures can be meaningful for some, they can create unrealistic standards for apostles and prophets, whose callings require a focus on authenticity and purpose. For apostles and prophets, the pressure to conform to these norms can lead to the belief that their relationships must be defined by material displays and public spectacles of affection, rather than rooted in the quiet, intentional work of building a partnership based on trust, respect, and shared calling. As a result, some may avoid marriage altogether, feeling that they cannot meet these external expectations without compromising their spiritual integrity.

In my personal experience with Nicole, we made the conscious decision not to conform to the sensational expectations surrounding proposals. We both recognized that the materialism often associated with proposals could detract from the true purpose of marriage as a spiritual and emotional covenant. The idea of a lavish proposal felt vain to us, as it seemed to promote an image of love that was more about outward appearances than the deep, meaningful connection that should characterize a godly relationship. For apostles and prophets, marriage is not a performance but a partnership that reflects God’s love and calling. By avoiding sensationalism, we are free to focus on the deeper work of discerning God’s purpose for our relationship and nurturing a love that is not driven by external pressures.

Another aspect of sensationalism that can hinder apostles and prophets from entering healthy marriages is the attraction to charismatic personalities who often exhibit dramatic expressions of faith. In Christian circles, there can be a tendency to idolize those who are emotionally expressive, such as worship leaders or individuals who frequently shout, cry, or manifest intense emotional responses during worship or ministry. These outward displays can create a superficial attraction to people who seem to embody spiritual fervor, but this focus on outward expressions of faith can lead to the misperception that someone’s worth or connection with God is solely based on emotional manifestations. Apostles and prophets, however, are called to a deeper discernment, one that goes beyond surface-level displays and recognizes the quiet, consistent work of the Holy Spirit in building relationships. When sensationalism drives the focus on charismatic personalities, it can overshadow the need for more stable, grounded connections in marriage, leading to unbalanced relationships based on external attraction rather than shared purpose and alignment in ministry.

Ultimately, apostles and prophets are called to transcend the distractions of sensationalism and materialism in their approach to relationships. By rejecting the superficial pressures that surround marriage proposals and charismatic displays of faith, they can focus on cultivating relationships that are rooted in genuine love, spiritual alignment, and a shared mission to advance the Kingdom of God. In doing so, they preserve the integrity of their calling and find partners who are equally committed to serving God, without the need for sensationalism to validate their union.

#9 Ageism— The Assumption of Maturity

Ageism, the prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s age, can significantly hinder the marriage promise for apostles and prophets by fostering assumptions about maturity, suitability, and spiritual readiness based solely on age. In many cultures, there is a tendency to believe that individuals within certain age ranges are more or less capable of fulfilling specific roles, including marriage. This age-based thinking often leads to the false assumption that maturity—whether emotional, spiritual, or relational—can be determined by how old someone is. For apostles and prophets, this can create barriers to forming partnerships that align with their calling, because the focus shifts from spiritual alignment and compatibility to arbitrary age expectations.

For instance, a common misconception is that older individuals, particularly those who are in their 30s or 40s, are inherently more mature or ready for marriage than younger individuals, even when their spiritual or emotional maturity may not reflect that assumption. On the other hand, younger apostles and prophets may be overlooked or dismissed as too immature or inexperienced, despite possessing wisdom and a deep spiritual understanding. This age-based thinking can prevent individuals from pursuing relationships with partners who are spiritually aligned and called to the same mission, but who may not fit the “ideal” age range.

In the context of apostles and prophets, maturity should not be measured by age, but by spiritual depth, emotional resilience, and alignment with God’s purpose. Apostles and prophets are often called to lead with vision, wisdom, and insight that transcend conventional age-based expectations. They require partners who share their commitment to the Kingdom and their unique calling, not based on how old they are, but based on their shared purpose and readiness for the deep work of ministry and relationship. Ageism can distort this process, leading to marriages that are built on external factors rather than true spiritual alignment, which ultimately undermines the foundation of the marriage promise.

Moreover, ageism in marriage proposals or dating dynamics can result in apostles and prophets settling for relationships that feel more secure in terms of age or societal expectations but lack the deep, authentic connection needed for a flourishing partnership. The idea of “marrying within your age range” can inadvertently push individuals into relationships where they are expected to conform to roles defined by society’s expectations of age and maturity, rather than growing together in spiritual maturity. For apostles and prophets, the most important qualities in a marriage are a shared commitment to purpose, vision, and spiritual alignment, not age or external markers of maturity. By challenging the limitations imposed by ageism, apostles and prophets can enter into marriages that fulfill God’s design for their lives and ministries.

#10 Consumerism— The Idolatry of Lifestyle.

Consumerism refers to a social and economic ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. It emphasizes the importance of consumption, often driven by the desire for material wealth, status, and personal satisfaction. Consumerism promotes the idea that personal happiness and societal progress are tied to the continual purchasing and consumption of goods.

Consumerism profoundly hinders the marriage promise for apostles and prophets by fostering a culture of materialism and vanity that distorts the true purpose of marriage. In a consumer-driven society, there is an overwhelming pressure to marry into a certain lifestyle defined by external markers of success—luxury homes, expensive weddings, designer goods, and extravagant displays of wealth. This pursuit of material status often leads individuals to incur debt and make financial sacrifices that go against the principles of stewardship and contentment. For apostles and prophets, this consumerist mindset can be spiritually damaging, as it redirects their focus from God’s divine purpose for their union to maintaining a superficial, worldly standard. The desire to marry into a specific lifestyle can cloud discernment, leading individuals to choose partners based on material wealth rather than spiritual alignment and shared ministry vision. This not only detracts from the true, God-centered foundation of marriage but also compromises the integrity of the apostolic and prophetic calling, which requires sacrifice, humility, and a focus on advancing the Kingdom over accumulating worldly possessions. Consumerism perpetuates a dangerous cycle, distracting apostles and prophets from the deeper covenantal promises of marriage that are rooted in spiritual and emotional growth, mutual support, and service to God’s will.

The Strategic Solution to Break 3-Folded Chord Witchcraft

Each manifestation of witchcraft, whether in the United States or globally, is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs that subtly reinforce its grip. These beliefs act as access points for demonic spirits, working to hinder the fulfillment of God’s promise of marriage. This spiritual opposition often manifests as delays, confusion, and cycles of broken relationships, leaving many feeling defeated and hopeless.

However, witchcraft’s influence can be broken through intentional steps rooted in God’s established order. By addressing the underlying spiritual dynamics and aligning ourselves with the right leadership and practices, we can shut the doors that witchcraft uses to operate in our lives and move forward with confidence into God’s promises.

#1 Submission to Apostolic Leadership

The first and most critical step to breaking the stronghold of 3-Folded Chord Witchcraft is submission to apostolic leadership. Spiritual authority is God’s order for freedom and breakthrough, as demonstrated throughout Scripture. Hebrews 13:17 instructs believers to, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Apostolic leadership is designed by God to provide covering, guidance, and accountability, enabling believers to overcome spiritual obstacles.

Apostles are uniquely called to carry authority over witchcraft and other spiritual barriers, but this authority must be cultivated and recognized through alignment with God’s design for leadership. 2 Corinthians 10:8 affirms the role of apostolic authority, where Paul states, “For even if I boast a little too much of our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for destroying you, I will not be ashamed.” This authority is given by God to equip and protect the church from spiritual attacks, including witchcraft.

If you are an apostle, your mandate is to submit to other apostles who have walked in freedom and carry the mantle to disciple others effectively. Similarly, if you are a prophet, your call is to submit to apostolic authority. Ephesians 4:11-12outlines the roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, stating that they are given “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Pastors, while essential in shepherding, are not equipped to counsel prophets in overcoming witchcraft, as prophets are called to govern alongside apostles in equipping the church.

Unfortunately, many prophets suffer under witchcraft’s influence because they fail to align themselves with proper spiritual covering. This vulnerability often stems from two key issues:

  1. Apostolic Immaturity: Some apostles step prematurely into their mantle, lacking the authority to lead others into freedom. This echoes Paul’s warning in 1 Timothy 3:6 against placing a novice in leadership, lest they “become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.”

  2. Misalignment: Prophets under immature or unqualified apostles remain vulnerable because these leaders lack the capacity to disciple them out of witchcraft’s influence.

To overcome witchcraft, apostles and prophets must intentionally discern and submit to mature apostolic leadership. Proverbs 11:14 states, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”This emphasizes the importance of seeking seasoned leaders who carry proven authority and freedom in spiritual warfare.

In our Apostolic Mentorship Program (details below), we teach apostles and prophets how to discern their spiritual covering effectively. This equips them to walk in the fullness of their calling, free from the oppressive influence of witchcraft, and to bear lasting fruit in their ministry. As 1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace,” and proper alignment under apostolic authority brings clarity, freedom, and empowerment.

#2 Inner Healing & Deliverance to Address All Access Points

After prophets and apostles have aligned themselves under proper apostolic leadership, the next critical step is inner healing and deliverance. Witchcraft thrives on unresolved wounds, unhealed trauma, and the lies we’ve internalized from past experiences. It’s not enough to consciously reject a belief; we must uncover the root of the lie, heal from the event that established it, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring transformation.

John 8:32 reminds us, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” True freedom comes when we address the hidden access points in our lives where demonic spirits have gained a foothold. These access points often stem from lies birthed in painful experiences—lies about ourselves, God, or others. Healing involves inviting the Holy Spirit into these wounds to reveal truth and sever the enemy’s influence.

Deliverance is also essential in this process. As believers, we must renounce the agreements we’ve made—knowingly or unknowingly—with demonic spirits through these lies. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 teaches, “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.” Deliverance dismantles these strongholds, breaking the enemy’s legal right to oppress us.

In this process, it is vital to rely on the Holy Spirit as our guide. John 16:13 assures us, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” The Holy Spirit not only reveals the lies we’ve believed but also empowers us to walk in truth and freedom.

At Selah Seminary, our Prophetic Life Coaching Model is specifically designed to support apostles and prophets in pursuing spiritual and emotional freedom. Through this model, we guide individuals to uncover the roots of their pain, receive healing, and break free from demonic influence.

Additionally, our Apostolic Mentorship Program (details below) incorporates this life coaching model, equipping leaders with the tools they need to experience lasting freedom. Isaiah 61:1 declares, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” This promise is available to every believer who commits to the process of healing and deliverance.

#3 Consider Selah Seminary’s Apostolic Mentorship to Apply the Truth to God’s Life, Ministry, and Marriage Promises

"Healing to Happily Married" is an Apostolic Mentorship established to empower Apostles and Prophets in overcoming the spiritual, emotional, and ideological barriers that hinder their fulfillment of God’s marital promises. This program confronts the strategies of the enemy, dismantling witchcraft and exposing the access points used to disrupt covenant unions, in alignment with God’s design.

Exposing Spiritual and Emotional Access Points

Scripture teaches us that the enemy seeks to exploit weaknesses to hinder God’s purposes: “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). This mentorship equips leaders to identify and close these access points, fortifying their marriages against the schemes of the adversary.

Addressing Cultural Ideologies and Faulty Theologies

Cultural ideologies often conflict with biblical principles, creating barriers to Kingdom marriages. The Word of God admonishes us: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (Colossians 2:8). This mentorship addresses theological misconceptions, reminding Apostles and Prophets that marriage is a divine institution established for Kingdom purposes: “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate” (Mark 10:9).

Prioritizing Covenant Relationships

The covenant of marriage must be honored above all else. Scripture commands: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). Likewise, wives are called to honor and submit to their husbands as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22). This mentorship emphasizes the biblical mandate to prioritize and protect this sacred union, both spiritually and practically, ensuring it reflects the love and unity of Christ and His Church.

Equipping for Unique Warfare

Marriage carries unique warfare, not just against the relationship but against the fruitfulness and Kingdom impact it is meant to produce. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). This program trains God’s leaders to resist these attacks and steward their marriages in a way that glorifies God.

Comprehensive Apostolic Preparation

Through this mentorship, Apostles and Prophets are equipped with spiritual, emotional, historical, cultural, and relational tools to steward their marriage promise, fulfill their marriage ministry, and honor their Kingdom spouse. “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4).

This program is not just about personal fulfillment but about advancing God’s Kingdom through marriages that reflect His glory. The fruitfulness of these unions impacts generations and fulfills divine mandates: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28).

"Healing to Happily Married" is a clarion call for Apostles and Prophets to reclaim their covenant promises, align their unions with Kingdom purpose, and walk in the fullness of God’s design for their marriage, ministry, and destiny.


Restoring Covenant: Marriage as the Foundation of Kingdom Legacy and Ministry (Prophetic Word)