Apostle Nicole Apostle Nicole

Unveiling God's Communication: Understanding the Prophetic Call & Embarking on Prophetic Training

Beyond personal growth, the prophetic call holds immense significance in God's plan for humanity. Throughout history, prophets have spoken truth, shaped nations, and brought hope in times of darkness. They serve as vessels, bringing God's mind and will to the world through their messages. In today's world, the prophetic voice remains vital, offering clarity and hope amidst chaos. Embracing this call isn't just about hearing God's voice; it's about partnering with Him to bring His kingdom to earth.

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Prophetic Word Apostle Nicole Prophetic Word Apostle Nicole

Prophet, It’s Time to Heal (Prophetic Word)

After the prophet prays, the prophet must then identify their co-laborers. Many of My Prophets are failing, finding themselves in constant cycles of being stuck and stagnant because they have no co-laborers. No leader is called to go alone. With Moses, I sent Aaron. For my Son (Jesus), I gave the disciples. True leaders, born of My Spirit, understand the importance of working within the context of covenant relationships, as well as others who are sold out for the collective mission and vision I have deposited in their hearts.

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Prophetic Training Techniques Apostle Nicole Prophetic Training Techniques Apostle Nicole

Begin Your Prophetic Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Prophetic Training

The path of prophetic training is both a challenge and a calling, brimming with opportunities for personal and spiritual development. It is a journey that should be embarked upon with faith, readiness for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and a commitment to not only personal transformation but also to the edification and upliftment of the broader Christian community. Welcome to your prophetic journey—a path that leads you closer to God and unfolds your divine purpose and potential within His grand design.

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