Healing Prophets: How Prophets Can Break the Silence Caused by the Trauma of Institutional Rejection from the Church 

Prophets are dying in the church today because religious institutions have systematically repressed prophetic voices, labeling them as prideful at best and heretical at worst. A "religious institution" refers to an established, structured, and enduring organization within society that is centered around beliefs, worship, and practices pertaining to the sacred. The church has made an idol of the belief systems, rituals, practices, teachings, and organizational structure of our religious institutions, and in doing so, these institutions have become false saviors to the body of Christ. Instead of participating in organized religion to get closer to God, organized religion has become our god. The living God we claim to worship is no longer in our sanctuaries or programs. Prophets, created by God to speak up in the face of injustice and the perversion of God’s word, have been told they do not belong. 

Prophets have responded to this in several different ways. Some, because they still do not know they are prophets or do not understand what that means, try to fit in a different way in the church. They choose to become teachers, pastors, or evangelists. While this may work for a season, the prophet ultimately finds themself dissatisfied because this is not who God has called them to be. Others stubbornly maintain their prophetic identity but, over time, find themselves jaded and bitter by the persecution they face. Few prophets find a middle ground in which they work tirelessly by the leading of the Holy Spirit to see God restore the prophetic spirit (the Holy Spirit) within the congregation. They become welcomed members of the congregation. In most cases, however, prophets simply choose to leave the church, finding a community that’s more receptive to their gifts or deciding church is not for them entirely, and “do Christianity” on their own. 

What is the right answer? Is there a right answer? How are the prophets to respond to a blatant rejection of who God has called them to be? 

Whichever route the prophet chose, they, more often than not, find themselves traumatized as they wrestle with fear, guilt, and shame. Prophets may find themselves under leaders who exhibit narcissistic traits, whether they are doing so intentionally or not.

The very rejection of who they are can be understood as the highest form of “spiritual gaslighting,” where the prophet is told, directly or indirectly, that they don’t hear God. 

They ask questions like:

  • Am I hearing God wrong? 

  • Am  I being deceived by the enemy? Have I fallen into New Age deception?

  • What is wrong with me? 

  • Why can’t I be like *insert someone who appears successful in ministry*? 

  • Is there room for me? 

The 3 E's theory of trauma, developed within the framework of trauma-informed care, conceptualizes trauma through three primary elements: Event, Experience, and Effect. This framework helps in understanding how trauma can affect individuals differently based on their subjective experiences and the lasting impact on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

The trauma of institutional rejection has produced a generation of “Jezebelic Prophets.” The constant, relentless, systematic rejection of the prophets has caused deep wounds that have opened the door for demonic spirits, imitating the Holy Spirit to lead many prophets astray. The most detrimental outcome of this deception is that many prophets do not realize how they are being led astray by the enemy. It grieves God’s heart so deeply that those that are to lead the church into healing are themselves lost in a pit of despair. 

The Lord says, 

Many of these Jezebelic Prophets experienced trauma, and though I saved them, they never healed from the trauma. It’s one thing to be saved, it’s another to be healed. Salvation requires the acknowledgment that you’re a sinner. Healing requires the acknowledgment of the specific wounds that pierced your side. Many of My Prophets have repressed their pain, so despite being called to the ministry of healing, they are not effective. 

This is why the many attempts of these prophets to live out the prophetic words I gave them failed. This is why their many are futile. This is why they feel stuck and stagnant: in their pride, they refuse to heal. 

My prophets fail to understand that once trauma is repressed, it hardens the heart, leading to pride. In order for prophets to clarify their calling and confidently build they must let me soften their hearts to the healing journey, for in it lies their next steps. 

Prophets, wrestling with where they belong in the body of Christ, must learn to discern the counterfeit so they do not settle for religious institutions that will lead to cyclical trauma experiences. Many prophets struggle to leave particular churches because they have developed a soul tie to the place or denomination. These soul ties must be broken as prophets recognize that just because God speaks to them prophetically or gives them a promise in a certain place, does not mean the promise will be fulfilled in that place. Many prophets are emotionally attached to congregations God is calling them to leave because it is the place that God spoke to them. Prophets must recognize that His voice and leading are not attached to a place. The Holy Spirit lives inside of them. 

The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

Genesis 12:1 NIV

The Lord says, 

You can no longer forfeit the new wine of My Spirit for the old wine; you cannot afford to do this any longer. It’s time to lay down the false savior complex that has caused you to stay in the hopes of “fixing” the church or congregation. That is my job, not yours. Prophet, it’s time to leave. Leave the familiar of so you can come into My Will. Leave the familiarity of religious institutions so you can drink the New Wine and be a vessel of New Wine for this generation and the generations to come.

If a prophet feels manipulated and isolated within the local church context or is experiencing chronic symptoms of emotional dysregulation, they must recognize that this is not the will of God for their lives. Symptoms of emotional dysregulation can include extreme mood swings, intense emotional reactions to minor triggers, difficulty returning to a calm state after being upset, and persistent feelings of overwhelm or emptiness. Additional symptoms include: 

  • Impulsive behaviors driven by current emotions

  • Chronic irritability or anger

  • Frequent emotional outbursts or breakdowns

  • Difficulty in establishing or maintaining relationships due to emotional instability

  • Struggles with self-soothing and calming oneself down 

  • Feelings of shame or guilt after emotional expressions

  • A sense of being out of control over one's emotional responses

  • Trouble communicating emotions in a healthy, constructive manner

Once a prophet is ready to leave the familiarity of religious institutions, they must first acknowledge the need for healing and take inventory of their wounds.

Just as the Israelites had to first go through the wilderness before arriving at the Promised Land, so My Prophets must heal after leaving the “Egypt” of religious institutions. Healing from these emotional wounds is essential to realign with a God-centered path. It involves moving away from a reactionary stance to one of proactive spiritual growth, where actions are not dictated by past hurts but by a sincere desire to worship and adore God. Building from this pure place ensures that life choices and actions are not tainted by bitterness or a sense of revenge but are instead expressions of faith, love, and trust in God's plan, allowing for a journey that is genuinely aligned with His will and purpose.

After a prophet has acknowledged this need, they must then find a safe community in which they can heal. Healing does not happen in isolation by oneself. Healing happens in family. This is often the hardest for the prophet to accept.  A profound reason for resistance, and subsequently not obeying God's calling, stems from the fear of being hurt again, which often leads to cycles of isolation. This fear is a natural response to past traumas or betrayals, causing one to build protective walls around themselves, hindering their ability to engage with others fully and, more importantly, with God's plan for their life. 

Overcoming this fear is a journey that requires opening up and letting the right people in. It involves placing oneself under the guidance of apostolic leadership and immersing in a prophetic community. Such environments provide not only a safe space for healing and growth but also a platform for accountability. In these communities, you're surrounded by individuals who understand the spiritual journey and are committed to upholding the standards of excellence that God requires. They challenge you, support you, and guide you, helping you to navigate away from the isolation that fear breeds. 

Developing in this kind of community allows you to gradually shed the fear of being hurt and embrace the vulnerability and trust required to walk in obedience to God’s calling. This process is crucial for breaking the cycle of isolation and stepping into the fullness of what God has planned for you.

Are you looking for a healing community where you can safely clarify God’s next for your life?

Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our Free, 1-Hour Strategy Session so you can clarify where you currently are in your prophetic journey and identify what actionable steps you can take this year to finally build the confidence you need to move forward. In this 1-Hour Strategy Session, you and one of our trained Prophetic Life Coaches will work together. Think of this as sitting down with your best friend you haven’t seen in a while, who understands exactly what you’re going through and is able to give you the Holy Spirit-led advice and strategies you need to get unstuck.


Begin Your Prophetic Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Prophetic Training