Hi I’m Mya McQueen!

My name is Mya McQueen, and I was born and raised in West Philadelphia. I am 25 years old and a first-generation college student and Christian. I grew up in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, where I was heavily involved in the youth ministry, participating in praise dance, choir, Sunday school, and the youth division within my denomination.

Today, I’m a Full-Time Prophetic Life Coach, Chief Operating Officer & Director of Faith Formation & Community Outreach. If you’re wondering whether or not Clarity Blueprint, or Selah Seminary at large, is the right place for you— I’m confident my story will bring you deeper clarity.

“Clarity Blueprint helped me discover my identity in Christ. A core part of the program that I loved was learning to agree with God’s love for me as His daughter and to serve from this place of overflow and intimacy with the Lord. Clarity Blueprint provided the space for me to understand what it means to lead in ministry from a place of love and abundance.”

— Mya McQueen Full-Time Prophetic Life Coach, COO & Director of Faith Formation & Community Outreach

Here’s My CB Story…

  • Before joining Selah, I was a master’s student preparing for a career in higher education, focusing on working with college students. Although I felt called to work with college students and education as a whole, I still felt unfulfilled, as if something was missing for me. I challenged myself to create opportunities that aligned with my sense of purpose. Despite advocating for myself and creating opportunities that wouldn’t have existed otherwise, I often felt like I was striving to fulfill my calling while trying to fit my purpose and values into the societal and cultural norms of the system.

  • Growing up in the church, I was heavily involved, yet I still felt like something was missing relationally and during moments when I had Holy Spirit encounters with the Lord. I didn’t have anyone in my church who could help me understand what I was experiencing. I struggled with low self-esteem, depression, and seeking friendships in the wrong places to feel a sense of belonging. I was living a religious lifestyle: I could pray, read the Bible, and participate in leadership, but I felt very far away from God. I struggled with masturbation, porn, sexual sin, and not living a holy lifestyle that honored the Lord.

    During my undergraduate years, I faced many deaths that led me into a depression that, on the outside, looked like ambition. I was very involved in undergrad, which often led to burnout because I didn't prioritize my emotional and mental health. Going to a Catholic institution for college, I lost sight of my faith due to the religious context being different from what I was used to. This led me into a deeper spiral. On the outside, I appeared to be a bright, enthusiastic student leader, but inside, I was just existing, going one day at a time. I had many days when I didn’t eat well or even manage my space well. My dorm room was a physical reflection of what was happening internally. As a first-generation college student, I often felt unnecessary pressure to not give up and to keep pressing on, wanting to prove to myself, as a young girl from West Philadelphia, that I could make it and wasn’t just another statistic.

    While in undergrad, I struggled with my career path. I started as a Secondary Education Math major, but due to emotional and mental blocks, I lost passion for the idea of being a teacher and felt like it wasn't right for me. I changed my major to Social Work, and even though I enjoyed the classroom structure, something still didn’t feel right. I felt like I wasn’t in the right major. Out of fear of taking on more student loans and potentially graduating a year later, I stuck with the major until graduation.

    During my senior year (2020-2021) of undergrad, I launched a faith and spirituality group on campus to bring awareness to the importance of prioritizing time with God outside of mass services. I created this space after recognizing my own journey throughout college and realizing that if I had this community on campus, I might not have gone down the path I did. I confided in the director of the counseling center, trusting her with the launch of the group. Given my leadership experience, I hoped for more support from campus leadership to spread the word, but that support wasn't provided. This lack of support caused doubt and lowered my self-esteem regarding my leadership abilities to lead this space for students.

    Due to my experiences in college, I felt a burden to serve college students, so I pursued a master’s degree in Higher Education. I didn’t want college students to have similar experiences to mine and feel like they lacked the support they needed. During my graduate experience, I often felt unseen and unheard due to my passion for faith and prioritizing space for it on campus. While my professors and peers tried to support and understand me, they couldn't fully bridge the gap. I also felt there were many assumptions about my reasons for sharing my passion on a topic so important to me, as if I were trying to convert others, which was never my intention.

  • I rededicated my life to Christ in May 2020. During this time, I realized that the Lord speaks to me and that I have the ability to hear His voice as He gives me vision and guidance for my life. I briefly started posting videos on social media, led by the Holy Spirit, but due to shame and insecurities, I stopped posting soon after.

    When Nicole first launched her prophetic life coaching program in January 2021, I participated because I felt like I had so many ideas from the Lord and didn’t know what to do with them. Committing to the program helped me grow in my consistency in hearing God’s voice and recognizing the power of prayer, and it introduced me to the prophetic. Through this program, I learned that I am a prophetic woman, which was not something I knew before. This program launched me into the discovery phase of learning more and deepening my relationship with God.

    This experience led me to apply to Selah Seminary in July 2022, beginning the Clarity Blueprint program in August 2022. I chose Selah Seminary because I felt called to full-time ministry, but I didn’t know what it looked like, and I knew that I was called to do more than serve within the four walls of the church. I wanted to attend a seminary that would help me prioritize my inner healing journey and prepare me for leadership in ministry to lead authentically. I believed Clarity Blueprint would help clarify my calling to serve college students in a greater capacity than traditional methods. I valued the community aspect of the Clarity Blueprint program and the group model through prophetic life coaching, where I could grow, learn, and build covenant relationships with my peers.

  • My experience in Clarity Blueprint was truly led by the Holy Spirit, as I followed God's pacing in each season of the journey. There were moments throughout the curriculum when I needed to slow down and focus on my healing, which centered on the pillars of inner healing and deliverance. I appreciated the self-paced curriculum while also being challenged by prophetic life coaches to avoid stagnation. I was always supported and pushed to reach my greatest potential and capacity, even when I doubted myself. I am grateful for my experience within Clarity Blueprint, which prepared and trained me to become the prophetic life coach for college students that God has called me to be.

    Clarity Blueprint helped me discover my identity in Christ. A core part of the program that I loved was learning to agree with God’s love for me as His daughter and to serve from this place of overflow and intimacy with the Lord. Clarity Blueprint provided the space for me to understand what it means to lead in ministry from a place of love and abundance.

  • One of the ways Clarity Blueprint has helped me overcome my challenges is by enabling me to gain God’s perspective on my experiences. Before joining Clarity Blueprint, I had a deep abandonment wound from my biological father that affected how I viewed God, leading to many projections onto Him and causing my heart to harden. This ultimately affected my relationships with those around me. Being a part of Clarity Blueprint has helped me heal from my father and abandonment wounds by encouraging me to engage with God and ask Him questions about my past to gain a better understanding. I realized that, as a human, it is through Him that I can gain clarity.

    Although it was painful to go through this process, receiving the truth of God’s perspective has healed me in ways I never thought possible, both with myself and with the Lord. I have reached a point in my journey where I can forgive my biological father for the ways he didn’t or couldn’t show up for me. This journey has opened my heart to building authentic relationships with God and others around me and becoming more aware of my moments of projecting onto others so I can continue to heal.

    By prioritizing healing and becoming more aware of unhealthy behaviors, I have been able to leverage my childhood experiences and college reflections to become a prophetic life coach for prophetic college students.

  • I knew God was calling me to both education and full-time ministry. However, four years ago, I had no idea what that looked like. Now, I can pursue both through prophetic life coaching, focusing on raising the next generation of prophetic college students on campuses. With prophetic life coaching, I will be able to pay off my student loans much sooner than expected, defying the typical statistics for college graduates with loans.

    As a young girl, I always told myself that I didn't want to be another statistic or number growing up in the inner city and that I wanted a better life for myself and my family. I also wanted to grow and learn so I could bring my knowledge back to my hometown and young students in the city who have had similar experiences to mine.

    Since rededicating my life to Christ in 2020, I have become the woman I always aspired to be emotionally and mentally. I told Him that day, “I no longer want to live this life where I am lost, confused, and lonely. Whatever it looks like to follow you, show me the way.” I never imagined that, four years later, I would be breaking ground and generational curses in my bloodline. Being a first-generation Christian is a beautiful thing, and I am grateful that the Lord chose me to set an example.

    Because of my “YES,” I have opened the door for both my mother and grandmother to join the Clarity Blueprint family in August 2024 so they can also experience the fullness of healing and clarity that God desires for them, leading to intergenerational ministry. This journey has expanded my faith and trust in the Lord in ways I cannot describe. Choosing to sow financially and allow the Lord to guide me while pursuing a master’s degree was an act of faith.

    I am excited to be a prophetic life coach with Selah Seminary, leading the next generation of prophetic life coaches to similar experiences of freedom and joy.

    If you take anything away from my story, let it be this: God hears you and sees you, and nothing can stop God’s will over your life. God will consistently pursue you. If you are ready to become all that God is calling you to be, take a leap of faith and apply for Clarity Blueprint today. Allow the Lord to work out all of the details.

Selah Seminary Welcomes You.

Transform your life and ministry today with Prophetic Life Coaching.