Lifetime Access Prophetic Ministry Certification Program for Apostles and Prophets

Healing Prophets: 

Clarify and Confidently Pursue Your Prophetic Calling to the Marketplace for Global Kingdom Impact

Gone are the days of sitting in church pews, forcing our God-given callings into the four walls of the traditional church.

Every prophet is called to the “marketplace.”

The “marketplace” means the pursuit of corporate careers, online ministry, and/or entrepreneurship. It’s time for you to bring the healing power of Jesus outside the four walls. Are you ready to clarify your marketplace assignment?

“I finally stopped running from my healing!” - Prophetess Mya McQueen

"I'm not running anymore!" — Prophetess Malia Jackson

Hey Prophet!

Apostle Nicole here. I want to be really transparent with you and tell you the hardest and darkest parts of my story…

I was preaching on Sunday and addicted to pornography during the week.

Yea, you read that right… Go ahead and sit tight because there’s more…

I was prophesying, leading worship, and ministering healing and deliverance for others, but I was still unwell in my own soul. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and cycles of codependent relationships left me feeling tired, lonely, and disconnected– constantly needing the approval of others.

I felt like I was living a “double life.” With over a decade of ministry experience, I still felt there was more healing for me. As I reflected on my ministry journey, I knew something had to change– I didn’t want to feel like a hypocrite anymore, or worse, disqualified in my own race. 

Finally, God slowed me down, and we got to the root.

I decided to heal. I decided to prioritize healing over ministry performance. Through years of counseling, inner healing, deliverance, mentorship, coaching, and prophetic impartation (what we call at Selah “prophetic life coaching”), I discovered that the root of my “double life” was repressed sexual trauma. 

From the ages of 3-5, I was molested. It was by Holy Spirit revelation that I remembered I was molested, and with this revelation, everything changed for the better. Much grief ensued but finally, I understood the root of so much of the pain I was experiencing behind closed doors. Prophetic life coaching changed my life and my leadership and I hope it can do the same for you. 

Through my own healing journey, God also revealed and confirmed that I was called to serve him as a prophet and later as an apostle.

He revealed that the reason why I experienced so much warfare over my life concerning my own freedom was because of this great calling on my life.

Through this revelation, I also realized that the ministry models of the traditional church are broken. At my core, I knew that what God was calling me prophetically was radically different from the traditional Sunday church structure (you know, church on Sunday, Bible study on Wednesday type of ministry…).

Traditional ministry models forced my prophetic calling into the “box” of religion. Healing gave me the courage to divorce religion.

The reality is that the “box” of religion led me to compromise my own health in my ministerial journey. At my core, I wasn’t content because I wasn’t obeying what God was calling me to do, I was obeying man and man’s religion, not the Holy Spirit’s radically leading. 

With all of the dreams, visions, and prophetic words I received, I knew God was calling me to pursue a corporate career in consulting, build an online ministry, and start several different business ventures (i.e. marketplace ministry). I knew I couldn’t simply choose one; I would have to trust God to lead and guide me.

By healing from childhood trauma and church hurt and building healthy friendships with other prophets, I learned to trust God’s voice and lead in my life so I could confidently obey His call to the marketplace.

God has graced me with the privilege of attending top universities: Harvard University, Princeton University, and Georgetown University to train for my marketplace assignment. Over the last five years, I’ve reached thousands in my online ministry and built a profitable, 6-figure prophetic life coaching business as a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur. 

That’s why here at Selah, we don’t “do ministry as usual.” We believe it’s so much more than knowing the scripture, or knowing how to cast out a demon, or prophesying accurately. The call is to heal; from that place of overflow we can affect true transformation in our world. 

We are the ministry school you didn’t know you needed…

Today, I’m the CEO and Founder of the only seminary (ministry school) for five-fold ministry leaders that uses an approach I founded called prophetic life coaching.

We are committed to nurturing the emotional well-being, spiritual restoration, physical health, and leadership acumen of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists so they can effectively lead five-fold ministries, empowering a new wave of pioneers and visionaries as they guide the church into a future marked by holistic healing, spiritual empowerment, and societal reformation. 

My call will continue to unfold until the day of Jesus’ return. Still, I’ve mastered the key principles that every marketplace prophet needs to be successful and impactful in their endeavors.

Learn more about our Prophetic Life Coaching Approach.

$5000 USD

One time tuition payment for lifetime access.

  • 5 Monthly Installments of $1000 USD.

    10 Monthly Installments of $500 USD.

    Free Financial Coaching is also provided to all admitted students to teach them how to save and fundraise for their seminary education.

Designed with you in mind.

Selah Seminary is the most affordable ministerial education on the market, explicitly designed for prophets. We exclusively offer:

  • lifetime program access

  • unlimited coaching sessions

  • personalized prophetic healing and deliverance sessions

Are you ready to finally obey God in radical, unconventional ways and experience fruitfulness in your life, ministry, and business? 

Are you tired of feeling inadequate and unqualified for your prophetic calling?

Are you struggling with self-isolation?

Do you feel rejected by the church?

Is the pain of your past holding you back?

Are you longing for a sense of true belonging with God’s people?

“I learned to submit to healthy apostolic leadership.” — Prophetess Magleny Vazquez

"I am finally experiencing fruitfulness in my life and ministry!" - Prophetess Zoey Zhang

“I’ve found the practical strategy I need to walk in the vision God gave me!” — Prophetess Brinisha Shaw

Why Selah?

  • Experience toptier theological training at a price that fits your budget.

  • Move beyond information overload with a leadership track that emphasizes real world integration and application.

  • Experience a revolutionary method of theological education that combines spiritual insights with practical coaching techniques to empower you in your prophetic journey.

  • Access cutting edge theological education anytime, anywhere with our always updated, flexible curriculum.

  • Benefit from weekly coaching sessions designed to support and enhance your learning journey.

  • Address and overcome historic and systemic racism and sexism in the church with a curriculum that explicitly meets the needs of women of color in 21st century ministry.

  • Ensure your personal healing so you can effectively minister to others with unlimited access to prophetic healing and deliverance sessions.

  • Enjoy lifetime access to course materials, allowing you to learn and grow at your own pace without time constraints.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re actively participating in your local church yet often feel out of place within the Christian community.

  • You feel constrained, unseen, and unheard due to traditional ministry models.

  • Driven by fear, you seek approval from other ministry leaders to alleviate your self-doubt, which has made you vulnerable to spiritual and emotional abuse.

  • This has led you to develop codependent behaviors, constantly needing others' approval, resulting in burnout, fatigue, and overwhelm from over serving and overextending yourself.

  • You feel rejected and isolated, lacking confidence and clarity in the vision, dreams, and ideas God has given you for online ministry and entrepreneurship.

  • You often feel overwhelmed, stuck, stagnant, unfulfilled, restless, anxious, and lonely, fearing that you will never have the time or energy to manage it all.

Despite these struggles you still have a heart to encourage, minister, coach, and mentor thousands across the globe. Moved by the pain and suffering you see around you, God is telling you to "build." However, you struggle with leveraging social media for impactful, meaningful ministry as a prophet, not just a content creator, leading to procrastination and inconsistency in your efforts.

You've tried online ministry and had moments of consistency, but the lack of engagement has led you to doubt your calling. You feel as if you've disappointed and disobeyed God and haunted by the fear of regret, wondering, "What if I actually obeyed God?"

Are you tired of the same old cycles of toxic relationships, emptiness, and wasted investments?

  • You've gone through cycles of romantic failures, toxic friendships, and strained ministry relationships, with betrayal being a common experience.

  • You feel like no one stays, and no one truly loves you, not even your family and friends.

  • Even those closest to you seem not to understand you.

  • On social media, you often find yourself wrestling with jealousy and comparison towards others in the prophetic ministry who seem to be thriving in life, relationships, business, and ministry.

  • You lack a clear career path that aligns with everything God is telling you, resulting in a lack of passion, purpose, and meaning in your day-to-day work, and a constant sense that there is "something more" for you.

  • Although you feel called to business, you are afraid of making money, questioning, "Can I really be a prophet and be in business at the same time?"

Over the years, you've invested thousands in education, training, and coaching to help you advance in life, ministry, business, and relationships, but you feel the return on investment has been minimal.

Your business and ministry ventures have largely been unsuccessful.

Despite fasting and praying relentlessly for a breakthrough, you haven't seen the marriage, ministry, business, or financial breakthrough you desire…

Do you want to heal from trauma?

Do you want to feel confident in your identity as God’s prophet?

Are you ready to finally live a joyful life of fruitful ministry, financial prosperity, and thriving relationships?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. It’s time to finally do something different.

  • You have a burden from God in prayer that you can no longer ignore. Nearly every time you pray, God brings it up again, and you are tired of running from Him, ignoring the Holy Spirit's leading.

  • You are weary of the relational failures and have a strong desire for healthy relationships where you can be seen and be your full self, believing that your people are out there somewhere. You understand that these relationships are crucial for walking in the fullness of your calling.

  • You are tired of needing help when you know God has called you to serve others. You are also frustrated by your inability to build generational wealth for your family and future children, feeling this is a key aspect of fulfilling your life's purpose and ensuring a stable future.

  • You desire to be in a healthy and safe community where you are supported on your journey of radically obeying God.

  • You aim to develop a clear blueprint for your marketplace ministry so you can reach thousands with the dreams, visions, ideas, and solutions God has given you.

It’s time for you to come home.

Our Curriculum:

The 5C Blueprint for Prophetic Excellence.

  • Dive into the heart of your prophetic journey with Part 1 of the "Healing Prophets Blueprint," where cultivating an emotionally healthy lifestyle is paramount. This foundational section not only highlights the necessity of spiritual disciplines for deepening your intimacy with the Holy Spirit, thereby amplifying your spiritual authority but also guides you through essential practices like Deliverance, Inner Healing, and Prophetic Ministry. With a strong emphasis on Mentorship, Biblical Counseling, and Life Coaching, you're set on a path to clarity, confidence, and impactful ministry in the marketplace.

  • Part 2 of the "Healing Prophets Blueprint" demystifies the concept of marketplace ministry, essential for the 21st-century prophet. It asserts that every modern prophet is summoned to engage in the marketplace, transcending traditional boundaries to bring spiritual insights into sectors like the corporate world, prophetic life coaching, online ministry, and entrepreneurship. This segment delves into the critical Principles of Serving, Sowing, & Submission, underlining the necessity of a steadfast commitment to spiritual growth and service before embarking on new ventures. Emphasizing that the cultivation of spiritual authority is a journey requiring years of consistent spiritual investment, we equip prophets with the wisdom to responsibly expand their prophetic influence in the marketplace.

  • In "Cleanse the Soul," we're calling you to a powerful reckoning with your past. This isn't just another step; it's your moment of breakthrough, where the Holy Spirit actively intervenes to lift the burdens of trauma that have long overshadowed your prophetic journey.

    We're tackling the tough stuff head-on—childhood traumas, sexual wounds, leadership betrayals, and the deep cuts of lost friendships—because we know these are the very chains that restrain your spiritual authority.

    Here, healing isn't just an option; it's your mandate, your God-given right. The Holy Spirit is ready to move through you, purging the pain and igniting your soul with a renewed sense of purpose.

    Embrace this chapter with boldness and expectation. Your healing is the key to unlocking the full magnitude of your prophetic calling. Let's dive deep, cleanse thoroughly, and rise up with unshakeable confidence in your walk with the Holy Spirit. This is your time.

  • “Covenant Relationships" is your strategic guide to forging relationships that are not only meaningful but also divinely aligned with your prophetic calling. Here, we delve into the essence of Practical Relational Skills, empowering you to navigate and enrich every connection with intentionality and wisdom. We assert that every relationship, be it personal, professional, or spiritual, must be anchored in a clear vision, mission, and purpose, transforming ordinary interactions into covenant partnerships.

    This segment takes you deeper, equipping you to Discern Your Apostolic Leadership, recognizing the spiritual covering essential for safeguarding and nurturing your marketplace ministry.

    Furthermore, we illuminate the path to Discerning Friendships, laying the groundwork for relationships that not only support your prophetic assignment but also set the stage for godly dating and courting practices.

    In "Covenant Relationships," we're not just building bridges; we're fortifying them with the strength of purpose, clarity of mission, and the discernment to choose allies who will stand with you in the fulfillment of your prophetic destiny.

  • The final segment serves as your blueprint for translating prophetic vision into tangible action within the marketplace. This segment is designed to propel you from inspiration to realization, guiding you to meticulously outline the pathway for your marketplace ministry. It's time to materialize your life's vision, distilling it into strategic milestones: your 10-year overarching objectives, your 5-year targets, and the immediate 1-year plans that will set the pace for your journey.

    Beyond casting a vision, "Confidently Plan" equips you with practical tools for execution. Learn to set actionable annual and quarterly goals that keep you on track, master time management to maximize your effectiveness, and refine your daily to-do lists to turn every day into a step towards your prophetic destiny.

    This part of the blueprint is not just about dreaming big; it's about the disciplined, daily stewardship that transforms dreams into reality, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your prophetic calling in the marketplace.

Be one of 500+ students Apostle Nicole and her team has served in healing from trauma, clarifying their prophetic identity, and confidently stepping out in their prophetic calling with confidence.

  • I went into the coaching program unsure of if I was hearing the Lord correctly in what He was calling me to do. Now I have a new found boldness, confirmation, deeper revelation that yes I am hearing the Lord and yes He does have Kingdom assignments that He wants me to carry out. Apostle Nicole did an amazing job activating and affirming what I had known all along but was unable to see. [My accountability partners] I believe will be lifelong friends. I really haven't had friends that desired this type of intimacy with the Lord before.” — Chanty Gober, Student

  • “I went in not understanding much about my purpose, God's expectations for my life, and how to get closer to God. With every new week, I was able to learn something new about myself and about what God was doing in my life or even instructions from the Lord. The program helped me to also see some of my strengths and weakness with my walk with God, however, I feel more confident moving forward and want to be able to get closer to God and give Him my all. I am now able to have a new outlook on life, people, other things concerning my spiritual journey and can't wait to see where things lead after the program.”

    — Motherlove Agbortoko, Student

  • “The practical and spiritual tools Apostle Nicole provides as well as the guidance that she has provided have been immeasurable. She has spoken God's word into my life. I'm excited to continue on this journey…!”

    — Prophetess Shaneice, Student

  • “I pray God used me the way He uses you. You are so rare and special and such a gift to this world and generation. You’re essential and impactful and evidence that God is real and that He is love!! You embody it so well and profound all while being yourself and it’s so beautiful…Thank you Apostle Nicole.” — Brinisha, Student