Accreditation Process

for Ministry Organizations

Raising the Standard for Ministerial Leadership

At Selah Seminary, we are dedicated to empowering our graduates to lead with excellence and integrity in their ministry organizations.

As part of our commitment to fostering accountability and spiritual oversight, we offer an exclusive accreditation process for the ministry organizations led and founded by our graduates.

This process ensures that these organizations operate at the highest standards of governance, doctrinal integrity, and community impact.

Why Accreditation Matters

Accreditation is more than a seal of approval; it is a comprehensive evaluation that guarantees your ministry adheres to rigorous standards. By seeking accreditation from Selah Seminary, you demonstrate your commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in your ministry work. This not only enhances your organization’s credibility but also assures your community and stakeholders of your unwavering dedication to high standards and ethical practices.

Accreditation Process Overview

Our accreditation process begins with an inquiry and application, followed by a comprehensive self-study report conducted by your ministry. Next, a peer review team conducts an on-site evaluation to ensure compliance with our standards. Finally, our Accreditation Committee reviews all reports and makes a decision. Accredited organizations are required to submit annual reports and undergo periodic re-evaluations to maintain their status.

Next Steps

To become a student of Selah Seminary and start your journey towards leading an accredited ministry within the broader Selah Movement, enroll in one of our certification programs today.