Cultivating Innovative Leaders—

Leading the church into a future marked by holistic healing, spiritual empowerment, and societal reformation.

Scandals, Division, Burnout, and Alarming Abuse —

The church has found itself with ever-alarming rates of scandal, division, burnout, and abuse. For all of the good we aim to contribute to the world, it seems that much more evil continues to perpetuate itself within our walls. We are facing a leadership crises in which our organizations have failed to fulfill their purpose.

If the church can ever fulfill its true and glorious purpose, we need more than repentance— we need to radically rethink what it means to “do church.”

The Need for Innovative, Emotionally Healthy Leadership

In response to the perpetual brokenness we see in ministry leaders and their organizations, Selah Seminary School nurtures the emotional well-being, spiritual restoration, physical health, and leadership acumen of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists so they can effectively lead five-fold ministries, empowering a new wave of pioneers and visionaries as they guide the church into a future marked by holistic healing, spiritual empowerment, and societal reformation.

We are committed to the restoration of the pioneers and visionaries of the body of Christ because we believe God has given them the blueprints to overcome the most pressing challenges and crises within the church and in society at large.

Without their leadership, the church falls into religious routines that rob the church of its vision and power. Through our innovative approach and programs, we train five-fold ministry leaders to be holistically healthy and pursue radical visions for ministry impact that challenge the status quo.

  • "After a decade of feeling like an outcast in the church, I found my home here, awakening me to embrace my uniqueness unapologetically. Apostle Nicole’s spiritual leadership is God-ordained. ”

    — Rev.Marrissa, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Local Congregation Pastor

  • "I was grounded already in hearing from the Holy Spirit for ministry and business. But it was through Selah that I learned I was an apostle. Receiving the coaching, mentoring, and mothering under Apostle Nicole was transformational. I grew, I matured, my spiritual authority was more deeply established, and my awareness about the depth of what exactly God is calling me to do and how was made known."

    Apostle Marlysa Gamblin, Founder of Gamblin Consults

  • "Being a student here transformed my life. I started the program with one idea in my head and came out with God's plan."

    Shaneice Jones, Licensed Therapist, Confidence Coach

  • “I have been in ministry for over 20 years. I knew that I was called outside of the four walls of the church but I did not know what that looked like. When I found Apostle Nicole, I said, ‘This is it and I did not look back…’ "

    Teddi Sturgis

  • In about a month's time, I was able to accomplish what I hadn't been able to accomplish in the past 10 years or so. My time with the Lord now is so fresh and exciting and our intimacy is deepening in a way that is blowing my mind!!!

    Chanty Gober, Former Student & Selah Coach